Chapter 12 Jake the Fashionista

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I stared at the clock forever; counting down the minutes to summer break.

I kept on going over the plan in my head the whole day. "First Kari would go home and pack for the whole week. Then she would walk over to my apartment complex alone. She would bring a swim suite so we could go swim at the beach. Oh! If we feel like it we might go on a few dates. Then-"

The bell interrupted my thoughts and the teacher said, "OK, you guys don't have homework but please be safe and have fun!"

I rushed out of the door with Jake and walked quickly home.

"TK can you please slow down? Your making me tired!" Jake complained.

"Sorry Jake but I have to get home." I said walking faster. "Besides I have to look good for Kari."

Jake sighed and said, "TK if you slow down, I'll help you look good for Kari."

I stopped and raised an eyebrow, "what possibly could you do to make me look better for Kari?"

"Oh trust me bro, there's lots of things that needs to be fixed about you." he said sassy like.

When we got home Jake stepped in front of me and looked really hard at me. He then snapped and went to my room and looked threw my closet. He pulled out like everything I had in there and then looked at me annoyed.

"Hey you're going to have to put those away." I told him.

"Nope, we're going shopping."

Then he took my hand and led me over to the kitchen table where Matt was sitting. He slammed his hand on the table which scared Matt.

"What the crap man!" Matt said in shock.

"We need to go shopping now!" Jake told him.

"OK I'll take you just don't yell at me." Matt said grabbing his keys.

We hopped in the car and went to the mall. Jake wanted to go to a good store that sold cool summer clothes so we went to Ross.

"TK go wait by the dressing room. Matt come with me." Jake commanded us.

We did as we were told and I waited by the dressing room for a while. When I looked to my left I saw matt and Jake coming with a pile of clothes in their hands.

Jake gave me some clothes and told me to try them on. He kept on giving me more clothes each time I came out so I did this for an hour and went home after Jake paid for the clothes.

"You know," I said to Jake who was getting in the car, "you didn't have to pay for all the clothes by yourself and you didn't have to get me a whole new wardrobe either."

"Oh yes I did, besides it was my treat, plus you wanted to look good for Kari, right? Then why not look good for her all the time?"

"OK but now we only have half an hour until Kari should be at the apartment."

"Wow, that's more than enough time to get you all dolled up." Jake said trying to sound like a girl. I guess he was being his sassy self again.

We got home and Jake shoved me into the bathroom where he started cutting my hair.

"What are you doing Jake?" I asked pushing him away.

"Don't worry sweaty you'll look great once I'm done with you." he sounded like one of those fashion designers. It was funny so I had to laugh.

"Stop moving!" Jake said smacking my face.

Jake took 10 minutes to cut my hair and 5 minutes to pluck my eyebrows. He also cleaned the dirt out of my fingernails and cut them so they were really short.

"OK go take a shower." Jake commanded me.

"But she'll be here soon!" I whined.

"I don't care, you need to smell good too."

Then he handed me his axe deodorant and walked out of the bathroom so I could take a quick shower.

I washed my hair and body better than I usually do. After I washed off the soap suds, I turned off the water and got out of the shower. I looked up and screamed.

"Hey at least I have my eyes closed. I forgot to give you your new clothes; there on the sink and don't forget to put on the deodorant."

I looked over to where Jake was referring to, dried off, and put the deodorant on. Then I put the clothes on and told Jake that I was done getting dressed.

He then grabbed a small makeup bag and took some stuff out. He polished my nails and put cream on my face to give it a softer touch.

He also grabbed hair gel out of the makeup bag and put some on his hands. Since my hair was still wet from the shower, Jake rubbed his hands threw my hair and styled it the way he wanted it.

"Now for the final touch." Jake said running out of the bathroom.

He came back in and gently put a hat on my head with the bill facing behind me.

The doorbell rang so I looked at Jake and he nodded. I raced out of the bathroom and opened the front door; I decided to play it cool.

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