Chapter 19 the New Kids Are American

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After the long week of summer it was finally time to go back to school and face the student council and the rest of the school.

Kari left yesterday to go back to Davis's house and get everything ready for school today. Jake did the same thing but went to his house, so when I opened my door to walk to school, I saw four certain someone's waiting for me outside the door.

"Um where you guys waiting for me this whole time?" I asked them.

"Yup, and how long does it take you to get ready? Gosh, you're so slow." Cogi said with an attitude.

"Sorry, let's go then. I didn't mean to make you all wait besides I didn't know you were waiting for me."

On the walk to school the five of us were having fun cracking lame jokes. Cogi was the best, he would make a lame joke and turn it into a long sad story but then made the ending a strange twist, kind of like this one:

"Why did the chicken cross the road?" Cogi asked.

"To get to the other side." I said annoyed.

"Yes! But wait there's more! The chicken crossed the road because he didn't want to be eaten by a crocodile."

"What?" We were all confused.

"Here let me tell you the story. The chicken is actually an alien who was trying to find a great place to pee. The chicken really had to go, so he just found the closest planet, which was earth, and landed his space ship in the swamp of North American Florida. He took one step in the swamp and thought, 'hm this will be a great place For me to let all my fluids out.' then he walked a few steps and just let it all go while whistling the hunger games whistle; he's a big fan of that movie. But then he saw a huge crocodile coming towards him and tried to run but his feet, or whatever you want to call them, got stuck in the mud. The crocodile then ate every last bit of the chicken. But wait! Dead baby's came and revived the chicken! So he ran into his space ship and blasted off to space. The end."

Then we all looked at him afraid.

"What?" Cogi asked.

"Alien chicken?" Kouichi asked.

"Yeah!" Cogi answered.

"Dead babies?" I asked.


Then we all got the joke and started laughing our heads off.

"Oh yeah, now you all laugh." Cogi said rolling his eyes.

When we got to school, we depart ways and head to our first hour classes. I walked in the room, but no one still didn't seem to notice me.

'I wonder if Davis told anyone yet.' I thought.

The day went by pretty much the same, but when lunch came around it kind of changed.

Jake and I were about to sit in our regular spot when Cogi came and grabbed my arm. He tugged me to a table far away from the trash cans. Then he told Jake and I to sit down and we obeyed.

We watched him walk up to where the student council sat and grabbed Kari's tray. He walked back over here, with Kari following and the both of them sat down with Jake and I.

"So, where's Kouichi?" I asked Cogi.

"Oh he's showing some new kids around, he'll be back soon."

Then the table vibrated.

"Sorry, that's my phone." Cogi said, looking at the text he got.

A few minutes later Kouichi came with two other kids who looked a little strange.

One had dark red hair with deep green eyes, and the other had brown hair with yellow die and red eyes.

"Sorry I'm late guys, is it ok if these two sit with us? I want them to feel welcomed here at the school." Kouichi asked.

We all nod our heads.

The boy with yellow die in his hair sat down and said, "Hey, I'm Sora and this is my brother Oyama. So what are all your names?"

We went zig-zag and started with Cogi, then Jake, skipped Kouichi, to Kari, then it was my turn.

All I did was wave and put more food in my mouth, then Jake punched my arm as hard as he could.

I screamed so loud where the whole cafeteria went quiet. It was so not cool! I hid underneath the table and stayed there until there was commotion again.

When I came back up everyone at the table started laughing, even Sora and Oyama.

"Thanks a lot Jake." I said pinching him.

"OW." he said slapping my hand away.

"Anyways, I'm TK." I told the new kids.

"So how old are you all anyways? I know Cogi and Kouichi are 12, since they are twins." Sora said.

"Well I'm also 12." I answered them.

"Same." Kari said.

"I'm 15." Jake smiled.

We all looked towards Jake surprised.

"What? Your 15 I thought you were 12." I said wide eyed.

"Sorry, I thought you all new." Jake said scratching the back of his head.

"Hey Jake," Sora said, "Oyama is also 15 and I'm 14."

"Oh cool!"

Then the bell rang for lunch to be over and everyone went to their separate classes. Well Kari, Jake and I are in the same math class so we walked together.


When school got out, Jake and I caught up with the rest of the gang to go to my house and talk more about the club. When I saw the whole group Sora and Oyama where with them, too.

"Hey guys." I said to everyone.

"Sorry TK, I hope you don't mind, but we live with my uncle and he's not home right now. He doesn't like it when we are home alone so can we go to your place? I think our uncle would like that better." Sora said scratching the back of his neck.

"Of course it's fine." I told them.

"So where exactly did you guys move from?" Kouichi asked them.

"We're technically just visiting our uncle for the summer, but we're from America."

The Bubbly Host Club (Scrapped And Being Rewritten)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن