Chapter 5 Jake's mom

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The next morning Jake knocked on my door at exactly 10:00 and when I answered the door he said, "Hi, so I know that you don't speak French but my mom said that she would love to meet you, is that OK if we do that before going to the store house?"

"Yeah, sure I would love to meet your mom!" I smiled. "Let me just tell Matt that we're leaving."

"Actually, can he give us a ride? I took the bus."

I nod and run into the kitchen where Matt was sipping his coffee, and said, "Can you give us a ride to Tamaki's house? Jake took the bus and his mom wants to meet me. Then can you drive us to the store house?"

"Yeah sure."

Then he got up and purred the rest of his coffee in to a plastic coffee cup and put a lid on it. He came to the door, put his shoes on and we went to his truck.

Matt's truck is the coolest. It is the dodge ram 1500. Its dark blue and white on the bottom of the truck with the license plate saying MATTW. Which is supposed to mean Matt and the Teenage Wolves because that's the name of his band and of course everything has to involve his band.

Sometimes I think that my brother is too obsessive with his singing career. One time I asked him, "hey Matt what would you do if you lost your voice forever?"

"Well," he replied, "I would get a voice implant that sounded exactly like my voice and that could sing, so then I could still sing and not disappoint my fans!"

"That doesn't even exist." I wined

"Sure it does!" Matt argued and looked it up on his phone and once again he was right and I was wrong.

Matt is such a good singer that he started his band when he was a sophomore. Adam is the drummer, Louis plays the electric piano, Max plays the electric guitar and Matt plays the bass guitar and is the lead singer.

When Matt started the band no one knew why he put Louis in the band because the only instrument he can play is the piano, but all that Matt said was, "Hey, we might need a pianist in the group. Who knows?"

Sure enough when Louis got a new electric piano for Christmas he was as useful as Adam and his drums. This new piano could do everything! Make funky notices, play different instruments, it could even sync with the speakers, to make the other instruments in the band sound cool and funky.

Matt's music is cool too. There a rock band and they go on tours like every year. They have four albums and are a big hit all over the world.

"Hey, Jake?" Matt started, "have you ever heard of my band; Matt and the Teenage Wolves?"

"Yeah, actually I have! At my school in France everyone talks about you guys, but I thought you were actually a teenager not an adult."

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

Matt put his newest CD in the CD player in his car and turned the volume up very high. The first song that played was Love like woe and my brother and I sang at the top of our lungs over the music. I'm Alive, I'm Dreaming has to be my favorite album Matt has, especially since he dedicated it to me.

After a long ride with the music playing we finally got to Tamaki's house and parked in the drive way. Tamaki's house was a beautiful mansion, I mean, it would make sense since he is rich and all.

The three of us walked to the front door and as Jake opened it Matt and I stood there watching.

Man I thought, I wonder what Jake's mom will be like. I hope she likes me.

We follow Jake into the house and he was quickly greeted with a woman hugging him and speaking French.

The woman had red hair and wasn't very tall. She had on expensive jewelry and fancy clothes with the finest cloth.

"TK," Jake said in English, "I'd like you to meet my mom."

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