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Skipper grabs a stick and draws on the ground, "Here's Dave's sub. And this young, helpless, vulnerable rock is Private. And here's Dave." Kowalski and Rico bring out a pineapple, "While you four blowhards 'dih-vert' the octopi, we strike fast and strike hard! Hi-yah! Get on in here, boys! Slap him, silly Rico! Come on! Kowalski, free the hostages!" Skipper yells as they slap the fruit. Corporal yells and punches the fruit flat. "Now, that's what I'm talking about, big fella!" Skipper smiles at the bear. Corporal notices that Grey isn't amused and tucks his arms in.

"With Private freshly liberated, we celebrate with a well-earned high one and feast off Dave's sweet remains. Any questions?" Skipper starts high-one with the others until Rico hits his rear, "Whoa-hoa, hey, now!"

Grey slowly claps and steps next to the penguins, "Wow. I mean, truly impressive. Especially the bit where you slap the fruit. Oh! Corporal, dim the lights. Short Fuse, glasses." Corporal smashes the fire out, and Short Fuse hands the glasses to the penguins. Grey tosses a disc to the ground, and a screen pops up.

Kowalski awes, "Ooh."

"My apologies. Had to rush a bit. The schematic's a little crude." Grey mentions as the music comes from the disc.

Skipper looks around confusedly, "Where is that music coming from?"

Rico and Kowalski stare at the schematic, "Wow."

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