Mission Accomplished

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"It worked! Private! Excuse me. Emergency. Coming through. Make a hole! Make a hole!" Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico sprinted to the ray as it lowered. The North Wind approaches as Private is being shelled. "Don't worry, a chrysalis is just forming around you. That's perfectly normal." Kowalski says as the shell covers Private. Skipper gasps, "Private."

SMASH! Corporal breaks the glass and sets the eggshell down before the penguins. Y/N and The North Wind gasp as the chrysalis begins to crack. "Wha...?" Rico gasps at the sudden burst; everyone dodges the slime, then looks back to see a purple penguin.

"Private?" Skipper steps forward to see Private stand up. He chuckles, and the shell on his head pops off, revealing large antlers. Kowalski gasps, "Oh! Look at that! Majestic." He tries to cover up the shock. Private waves, "Hello." Skipper hugs the penguin, "Private!" The penguin starts moving his head as Kowalski, Rico, and Skipper try to dodge the antlers, "Oh! Hey!"

Private frowns at them, "What's wrong? What are you..."

"Look out for the..." Skipper ducks.

"Have I got something..."

Kowalski leans back, "Okay. Looking out."

"Watch out. Cover your eyes." Skipper watches the antlers move.

"Is there a... thing?" Private asks concerningly. "Don't turn your head," Skipper says. Private stops moving at looks at them, "So, how do I look?"

"You're hideously disfigured and will probably be hunted for sport," Kowalski answers.


Skipper frowns and elbows Kowalski, "What?"

Skipper approaches Private, "If there's anything we've learned on this delightful adventure, Kowalski, it's that looks don't matter. It's what you do what counts." He spoke emotionally, "And look at what you did." To his delight, the penguins from all over the world look at Private. Baby penguins pop out from behind parent penguins.

Skipper turns to Private, "Yes, sir. You are the most meaningful and valued member of this team." Private salutes Skipper, who salutes back. Kowalski and Rico salute as well. Skipper does Private's salute by crossing his eyes and sticking out his tongue. Private did the same and laughed-all the penguins and the North Wind cheered for Private.

Penguins start calling out, "Way to go, Private! Attaboy!" Corporal claps his hands, "Nicely done."

The penguin continue cheering, "Whoo-hoo! Way to go, Private! You did it! We're so proud of you! You saved us! We love you, Private! Yeah, we love you! You the penguin!" As they cheered, Skipper, Kowalski, and Rico lifted Private up. The North Wind made a heart and held it against their chests, as did the penguins.

The three penguins dropped Private at the sound of something loud moving. Everyone turns to one of the buildings to see Dave approach, "Ramirez!" Skipper growls. Kowalski corrects Skipper, "Dave."


Dave laughs and then charges, only to hit the glass, "What? Are you kidding me?!" The octopus was stuck inside a snow globe. It falls off the beam and into Skipper's flipper, "Dave... aw, look at you."

"You think this is over? I'm just getting started. I'm about to..."

Kowalski looks at Skipper, "What do we do with him now?" Rico opens his mouth but stops at the sound of a girl looking, "Aw..." Dave doesn't notice the girl, "Open this right now!" Skipper tosses the globe to the girl, "Here you go, kid." Dave looks to see the girl staring at him, "Cool!"

Skipper grins, "I hope you find happiness, Dave." The girl starts shaking the globe, running out of the zoo, "It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing! It's snowing..."

Grey approaches the four penguins and clears his throat, "Right now, this is difficult for me to say, but..." His voice strains slightly from the pain in his lungs. Skipper grins, glad to see the wolf, and teases him, "Is it 'osteoporosis'? You just gotta lean into the vowels. Ahhh-stee-ohhhh-pahhh..."

Grey waves his hands, "No, no, I want to say... You four are the bravest agents I've ever known. The point is, I was wrong about you. And I hope there's some way I can make it right." Y/N brushes his pelt and grins at the penguins.

Kowalski points to Grey, "Give us jetpacks." Eva, at the same time, lands next to Kowalski, "We should kiss." Kowalski notices Eva, "Whoa! Uh," He clears his throat, "did... did you just say..."

Eva dips Kowalski, kissing him while using her other wing to block the sight, to the disgust of Kowalski's comrades. Skipper covers Private's eyes while Rico almost throws up. As soon as Eva lowers her wing, Kowalski has lipstick marks all over his face, "Well, that feels right!"

"I think I'd actually prefer a jet pack, please." Private waves his flipper to Y/N and Grey. Skipper glances at Private, then The North Wind, "Ooh! I think we should go with Private's idea."


Grey crosses his arms and hums. Y/N laughs and nods her head, "Alright."


The North Wind was returning the penguins back home after giving Private his jetpack. Corporal, Short Fuse, and Eva were in their rooms sleeping. Y/N was typing away on the computer, making sure all of the penguins were in their right homes.


The human girl chuckles lightly, "Shouldn't you be resting?" She turns away from the computer and faces her grey wolf. "Not if you're working." He answers weakly, "I want to stay by your side right now."

Y/N chuckles, "You sound like a pup again." She stands up from the chair and goes to the couch in the rec room of the plane. Grey follows closely and lies his head on her lap once she sat down. The girl gently runs her fingers over his fur, feeling the thickness it brought. "Mission accomplished, right?" She whispers in his ear. Grey looks at her with tired eyes, "Yes. We found each other, and saved the penguins."

"And I am proud of you, Grey. You expanded the North Wind, became a leader, and..."

"Have my friend back with me."

"I love you, Grey Wolf."

"I love you too, Y/N."

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