Private Saves Them

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Y/N had spotted Corporal and Grey by her plane, "Corporal, how is he?" Corporal had put Grey down on the bed and turned to her, "Still unconscious, boss."

Y/N brushes her fingers on the wolf's pelt, "I have a plan and need your help."

Corporal nods, "What is it?"

Y/N starts the plane and takes off, "We need to destroy the sub. Short Fuse, Eva, and Private are getting the Ray."


Skipper sees the octopi approaching, "We're only gonna get one shot at this, boys! How we doing on those snow globes?"

Kowalski and Rico put the last of the snow globes on the tip of the ray, "Beam splitter ready! Fire at will!"

Private turns to Skipper, "Do it, Skipper!"

Skipper sees Dave approaching and holds his flipper on the button. Dave stops as Skipper pushes it, but nothing happens. Short Fuse looks at the remote, "Dead batteries?!"

Kowalski gasps, "Game over, Skipper!"

"No!" Private then notices a nearby grocery store, "Rico, batteries! Skipper, Kowalski, hold off those octopi! We're doing this NOW!" Eva flies down to knock some octopi as Skipper turns to Kowalski, "You heard Private! Deploy! Aah!" Skipper and Kowalski slide to the octopi, hitting them between the tentacles.

"Get back, you aquatic savages!" Short Fuse hits some octopi off the ray.

"Behind you! Beside you! Six o'clock! Twelve o'clock! They're coming from every direction!" Private yells.

"There's just too many of them!" Kowalski grunts, whacking some of the thugs away. Suddenly, the sound of a car whizzes past, knocking down the octopi and into the sub. Jumping out as an explosion happens was Corporal and Y/N.

Kowalski awes, "Whoa."

Private salutes to the two, "You came back!" Short Fuse and Eva joins their side. Suddenly an exterminator vehicle aproaches and sucks them up. Y/N, however, managed to jump out of the way and the vehicle crashes to its side.

Short Fuse's voice can be heard inside, "Oh... that's why you look back at the explosion." Y/N runs to the vehicle and sees Corporal's fist break the side. The North Wind crawls out, "Are you okay?" Y/N asks. They nodded their head.

Y/N turns her head to see Dave the octopus toss Kowalski inside one of the exterminator vehicles with one of his thugs. Skipper catches a pair of double-A's and sticks it in the remote. Dave hits the penguin making him drop it, "No! The remote!" Dave tosses Skipper and Rico, having them get sucked in, "Rico, dibble me!" Skipper yells. Rico spits out a Cheesy Dibble bag and Skipper fires a Dibble at the remote.

Dave is breaking the glass to the ray, laughing evilly at Private. "Hi-yah!" Private punches Dave with his butt hand, and the octopus lands on the beam.

The octopus watches as the Dibble hits the button, turning on the ray. It fires and hits the vehicles, turning the penguins back to normal. Y/N watches in shock as pink hearts appeared, surrounding them. Corporal taps on her shoulder and points to her left.

"Grey!" Y/N sprints to the wolf, happy to see him standing. Grey runs on all fours to the human, "Y/N!" They embraced each other as the doors of the vehicles popped open and the penguins, back to normal, come tumble out.

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