1:1 Once Upon A Time*

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Kara's pov:

I woke up in the morning and I saw  my brother Topher on the couch eating cereal. He had a sleepover last night but came home. I knew that he snuck over to the Tremont with two of his friends.

"Cmon let's get going!" I heard my mom yell to us. My sister, Harper was holding a soccer ball and was now walking outside into the car with us. You see I'm the artist of the family, Harper is the athlete, and Topher is the family comedian.

Our mom dropped us off at school. As we walked in, Topher was already gone and Harper said, "See you." I waved goodbye and went to my locker. I finished packing and walked to my class. As I was walking, I saw a boy struggling to open his locker.

I went to his side and kicker his locker to which it open. He looked up at me and I smiled, "Works every time." I then walked away. The new boy at school watched me walking away.

After my classes, I headed to lunch. I pulled out my art book and starting drawing. A few minutes later, I saw the boy standing by my table looking around. I then spoke up.

"Wanna sit down? It's not hard there's room." He then put his tray on the table and sat down. I then heard him talk. "People see those drawings they're gonna figure it out." I looked at him and asked confused, "Figure what out?"

"Your secret identity." He said as I looked at him still confused. "Locker ninja." This caused me to smile. "I caught a glimpse of your shoes when you were kicking past my head. The art's the same."

I smiled and raised my shoe, "Shoe design could be my side hustle. Doesn't mean I'm a superhero." I then looked back at my art. "I'm good with faces. Still don't know your name though." I looked back up, "Kara." He then told me his, "I'm Griffin. Thanks for the assist earlier."

"Thank the janitor. He showed me that move. Said it was the best kept secret in Sulphur Spring." I said as I closed the marker in my hand. "Wow! Just when I thought this place was boring." I chuckled at his sarcasm. I then noticed people were looking at us. "Uh, why is everyone staring? Do you have a not-so-secret identity I should know about?"

He scoffs and says, "Some kids thought they saw a ghost at The Tremont. People found out I live there." I then said a lot louder than it meant to come out, "You live at the Tremont?!" This caused everybody to look at us and the lunch room was now silent.

He sighs, "Okay. I haven't seen Savannah. I don't even know who she is or was." I look at him in disbelief, I mean how can he not know who she is. I pulled out my phone and showed him a picture of Savanna. "This is Savannah Dillon." He looks at me and says,"Okay." He still didn't get it. "She disappeared from the Tremont 30 years ago, never to be seen again. Alive anyway." I then set my phone down a listened to him talk.

"Spoiler alert, the girl those kids saw last night wasn't a ghost. It was my sister." I crossed my arms, "Plenty of other people have seen Savannah around the hotel. It's only a matter of time before you do too." Dragging out the oo in too. He then did an impression of a ghost, "ooh."

I closed my book and told him, "Can't say I didn't warn you." I got up and walked away. When the school day was over I took a short cut through the woods. I happen to see Griffin and he was now on the ground. I ran over to see if he was ok.

"Savannah?" I heard him say as he looked up at me. I bend down smirking, "So you do believe in ghosts?" He then got up. "I was just messing with you." I was concerned then asked, "You need some help up? Looks like you fell pretty hard." He then told me, "I'm fine."

"If you say so. See you at school." I then began to turn around and walked when I was stopped, "Where are you going?" I said, "Shortcut. I live on the other side of the woods." He questions jokingly, "Your not worried about getting grabbed by a ghost?"

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