3:3 Closing Time*

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Griffin and Kara were walking to the barn where Sam was.

"Let's go tell Sam." Griffin said.

"Yeah." Kara agreed. "Maybe he'll know what to do."

"Sam?" Kara popped her head in the door but went in when she didn't get a response.

When Griffin and Kara were looking around they saw a shadow and almost screamed when they saw it was just Sam.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, relax. It's just me. What do you got?" Sam asked them.

"Well, we checked out room 205. There was nothing there." Griffin said in defeat.

"Just a feeling." Kara added. "That maybe something bad happened. Probably in the past."

"You said we need to figure out who the ghost is. When you were in the future, did you gain information, history? I mean, something that may have happened in 205." Griffin asked Sam.

"Just what I already told you, how the ghost worked into their lives, and tore them all apart."

"Did you ever see it? I mean, in the future, before the fire?" Griffin kept interrogating Sam.

"No, I only f... only felt it." Same was shaking. "I mean, it was in the air, it... it was all around me. This wicked presence, powerful and dangerous."

"But our only clue is the room itself. Room 205." Kara mentioned to them.  "Something happened there, something awful."

"We just gotta figure out what." Griffin said crossing his arms, looking down.

"The hotel was open for years. I mean, where do we even start?" I asked Griffin.

"Actually, I might have an idea about that. What do you kids say to a little field trip?" Sam asked us.

We went to the basement secretly.

"So, for years,guests would have to sign in... right next their room number." Sam told us handing us books. "Take one, and we will start from the beginning. Find everyone who's ever stayed in room 205. We'll make a list, and we'll do some research."

"Wow, look at all these names." I said in amazement.

"Just focus on the room numbers." Sam told me.

"It's weird, I'm not getting any mention of 205." Griffin said to us.

"And this is from '45, and I'm not seeing anything either." Sam spoke.

I sighed, "Same here." Then I saw room 205. "Wait, here's a guest name. Carol Mancino, room 205. Late 1947. First person to actually check in to 205." I said.

"All that time before , I mean, years. Couldn't have just been empty. I mean, someone had to have been staying in 205." Griffin said.

I cross my arms.

"Well, we have a date. Maybe we should extend this field trip back a few decades. Could be we'll find more answers in the past." I suggested.

"Always have before." Griffin agreed grinning at me and I gave him a small smile.

Griffin and I began walking up the stairs when Sam looked at both of us then shook his head.

We were back in the bunker going to 1947.

"All right, four, seven." Sam said moving the dials.

I then heard a noise.

"Wait, what's that?"

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