3:2 Time in a Crystal*

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With Griffin:

"Kara, please, just wait a second." Griffin called to her.

Kara rolled her eyes and kept walking.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Griffin said to Kara trying to catch up.

"Stay away from me." Kara told Griffin walking into the dance.

Griffin went to continue following her, but was stopped by one of the high schoolers.

"Go home, Campbell." A high schooler said to Griffin. "Nobody wants you here."

Griffin looks in the gym and back at the high schooler, then he went back to the hall.

Griffin found it hard to breathe and couldn't believe what the future has come to. How much everyone changed. How much SHE changed.

Griffin looked around for Sam but didn't see him at first. Then Sam was behind Griffin.

"Right behind you." Sam said to Griffin.

"I talked to Kara." Griffin admitted to Sam.

"Didn't I tell you not to talk to her?" Sam asked Griffin. "You weren't supposed to be interacting."

"Something happened to Topher." Griffin blurred out. "Kara's blaming me. They're all blaming me. Why? What happened? What did I do to him?"

"Griffin, I can't." Sam said to Griffin.

"You have to. Okay I want the truth. Just tell me. Is Topher dead?" Griffin asked Sam hoping it wasn't true.

Sam just looked at him.

With Kara:

"Found it right there in the main line, clogged up the whole works." The plumber told the Campbell and Dunn adults. "Your guess is as good as mine how it got there."

The plumber was still holding the crystal.

"So, everything's back working?" Mrs. Dunn asked.

"Should be. I suggest checking the faucets, flushing the toilets, whatnot."

"We'll get right on it. Come on, Jess, let's start in the powder room." Mrs. Campbell said.

"Ahh, the glamour of hotel ownership." Mrs. Dunn said as the two walked to the powder room.

"Interesting rock. Think I'll save it for my collection. Anyway, I'm all done here. I'll just get the main back on, check the outdoor pressure, and be on my way." The plumber said beginning to walk away.

"Wait." Kara called out to the plumber.


"Thanks for fixing everything." Kara watching the crystal mostly.

"My pleasure." The plumber says putting the crystal in his pocket.

"Alright, I'm gonna go help the ladies. You kids try to stay outta trouble." Mr. Campbell told the kids before walking away.

"Your not going to believe it." Wyatt turned to Kara.

"We went to room 205. Strange things happened." Topher continued for Wyatt.

"Uh, weird sounds." Kara raised an eyebrow.

"Then this hat rack, it just flew across the room." Wyatt explained.

"Actually, it just kinda fell." Zoey corrected her twin.

"We thought maybe Savannah's ghost was back." Topher said.

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