1:3 Straight Outta Time*

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Griffin and I heard Savannah scream. I thought that Savannah was going to disappear on that night but that wouldn't be possible. She disappears the night of the dance. Griffin and I were about to take off running, but then we heard laughing.

The thing or person she screamed at was Ben who was dying laughing.

"Oh my gosh, Ben! You jerk! I so knew it was you!" No over five still buys the moss man legend!" Savannah said to Ben.

"Yeah? Then why did you scream?" Ben said trying hard not to laugh.

Savannah rolled her eyes at Ben. Griffin and I stepped out then coming up behind Savannah.

"Whoa uh, company." Ben told Savannah letting her know we were behind her.

"Who are you? I'd know if you were campers." Savannah said to the two of us.

"Relax! I saw them yesterday at the hotel." Ben explained to Savannah. Savannah nodded.

"So, you have any names?" Savannah questioned us.

"Sure, I'm Harry. And this is..." Griffin lied waiting for me to come up with a name.

"Hermione." I said with a smile on my face.

"They almost took the heat for my snake prank." Ben explained to Savannah. "Sorry about that." Ben said to us with a chuckle.

"Nah! It's fine. Outran em' no problem." Griffin said.

"So, Savannah, what's in the bag?" I asked her.

"How did you know my name?" She asked me.

"I must've heard it around the hotel. After all, your a bit of a legend." I said quietly but no quiet enough seeing she heard me.

"I am?" She asked.

Ben then opened his backpack pulling out a container.

"It's a two month supply of powdered punch." He said to all of us.

Savannah then turned to Ben to questionably.

"What? You didn't think I saw you stealing it out of the kitchen?" Ben asked.

Savannah then quickly reached and grabbed the container of punch.

"All cherry red. Blood red. We dump it in the springs and scare the pants off of everyone staying at the hotel." Savannah said.

"Outstanding." Ben said.

"You guys can help if you want. Grab a container." Savannah told Griffin and I.

"We get caught, we're dead. You two can keep a secret right?" Ben nervously questioned us.

"Actually pretty good at it." I said.

Griffin the scoffed, "So far anyway."

We all opened our containers and poured the punch out.

"How much do we add?" Griffin asked them.

"All of it." Savannah said in a mischievous way causing us to laugh.

"And... Done! Check it out guys!" Savannah told us.

"Gnarly!" Savannah said looking at the springs.

"No. Epic!" I said.

Savannah was confused but ignore it.

As we were walking away from the springs, we had continued our conversation.

"Remember. You guys agreed. Never mention this to anyone." Savannah told us.

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