2:1 Only Time Will Tell*

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I couldn't believe it. The girl in front of me looks just like me. I stood there just staring at her while Griffin and Savannah were looking back and forth at us.

"Daisy, is that you?" The man from upstairs called out.

"He's coming." Savannah said.

"Go." Griffin said.

We ran out the door and down the steps. Griffin bumped into a younger boy causing him to drop his things. We continued running making our way to the hatch. When we got to the hatch, Savannah, Griffin, and I all went through.

"That man was in the same chair I saw rocking by itself earlier." Griffin stated. "It can't be a coincidence."

"You think we saw a ghost back there?" Savannah asked us.

"I'm saying he must be the ghost haunting the hotel now, the one who led us into the past." Griffin explained to Savannah.

"But why? And what about the girl on porches?" Savannah wondered.

"She has to be one of my relatives." I told them, making them look at me.

We then all walked back into the bunker.

"My family used to own the Tremont, back before it was a hotel." I explained to Savannah and Griffin.

"That explains the resemblance." Savannah said to me.

"But the man in the rocking chair was calling out for someone named Daisy. So that would make her your?" Griffin asked me.

"I'm not sure. After my dad died, my mom didn't talk about it much. All I really know is that they met on the last day of camp." I explained to him.

"Oh, no!" Savannah said turning to us.

"What's wrong?" Griffin asked her.

"I have to get home. The camp is opening today, and I'm supposed to be helping everyone get settled into the bunkhouses." She said turning the dials on the radio to 1962.

"Kinda wild you're gonna be a camper again." I brought up at the thought of it.

"Junior counselor, actually. This time I'll be the one creeping kids out with the legend of Moss Man." Savannah said.

"And busting them for pulling pranks." Griffin added.

"I wouldn't go that far. I mean, I am still me." Savannah said causing us to chuckle.

When she finished putting the dials in place, the lights flickered.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye again." I said sadly to Savannah.

"Doesn't have to be." Savannah said getting an idea. "There could be a clue in 1962 about the man in the rocking chair, who he is and why he's haunting the hotel."

"If you come up with something , send us a message." Griffin told her.

"Tree house again? Like we did with the coffee can?" Savannah asked Griffin and I.

"We shouldn't chance it. There's too many people who know about that place." Griffin said.

"What about the basement? Under a floor board or something?" I suggested to the two.

"Bottom of the stairs?" Griffin asked to be clear on where it is.

"That works." Savannah said to us.

"Sure you won't get in trouble for snooping?" I asked Savannah not wanting her to get in any type of trouble. "We don't want to mess things up for you back home."

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