3:5 Time Waits For No One

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"How are you so sure the judge is the ghost in the present?" Griffin asked Savannah as the three friends walked towards the barn where Savannah was leading them.

"I ran into him in 1947." Savannah looked back at Kara. "Same weaselly smile. Same outdated attitude."

Griffin looked at Kara then back at Savannah when she continued talking.

"Once I found out Judge Walker lived in room 205, all the pieces fell into place. Well, most of the pieces." Savannah explained as they got closer to the barn.

"Wait, what we're you doing in 1947?" Griffin questioned Savannah as they arrived at the barn doors.

"I'm about to show you." Savannah opened the barn doors and walked inside as Kara and Griffin followed behind her.

"In here?" Savannah pulled a cover off of a small cart to show loads of money stored there. "Whoa." Griffin said.

"I found it in the hotel basement wrapped in this.

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