3:7 Scream Time*

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Griffin stared in shock how much Mrs. Walker looked like his mom. It was almost uncanny.

"Did you just call her mom?" Ruby asked him. "Mrs. Walker doesn't have any kids."

I was behind Ruby looking and Griffin then shifting my gaze to Ruby which thankfully, he noticed.

"Oh...right. I—No. I just meant there was a resemblance." Griffin said to Ruby lying.

"Slight resemblance." I helped build on the lie.

"Definitely not Griffin's mom though." Savannah also added to the lie.

"Now that we've got that cleared up, does anybody wanna explain what just happened in the barn?" Ruby asked us expectingly.

"Oh... right. Well, that was." Savannah was then cut off by Ruby.

"He said it was a ghost." Ruby telling us what she heard Griffin say.

"Yes, and I'm sure you have questions." I was saying to Ruby, but she cut me off too.

"You bet I have questions! As if Mama and I don't have enough to worry about, now your telling me that there are actual, real-live ghosts?"

"Well, not live, technically."  Savannah informed Ruby.

"It's a lot to process, I know."  I said trying to calm Ruby down.

"But we're getting it taken care of. Right, Griffin?"

Savannah hit Griffin getting his attention.

"Ow. What?" Griffin asked.

He looked at us then just thought of something to say.

"Yeah, definitely. Which means I, I should probably head inside, and, um... see what's going on." Griffin said before heading off. "I'll be right back."

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine." I said to Ruby.

"We promise." Said Savannah.

"How can you possibly know that?" Ruby asked Savannah and I.

We look at each other and hesitated on what we were going to say.

"I know everything looks bad right now, and yes there's a." I once being cut off

"Ghost." Ruby said.

"But it's not going to hurt you. We won't let it." Savannah informed Ruby.

As we walked, I stopped and talked to Ruby.

"Ruby, I know it's hard to believe, but someday, years from now, you'll look back on this." I told Ruby.

"What are you telling my daughter?"

Daisy crossed her arms and was not happy.

"Mama, you won't believe it. We were just in the barn and the spookiest thing happens." Ruby was explaining to her mom.

"Listen to me. I don't know what kind of nonsense those kids have been telling you, but put it out your mind, okay?" Daisy tells her daughter.

"Yes, but you don't understand." Ruby tried reasoning with her mom.

"Everything's gonna be fine. Now go get in the truck. We're leaving town." Daisy told her daughter.

"Leaving? You mean forever?" Ruby asked her mom sadly. "Where will we go? What about my things?"

"We'll get you new things when we get there. Now go. It's not safe here anymore." Daisy ordered her daughter.

"Sulphur Springs is our home. I love it here." Daisy told her mom.

Secrets of Sulphur SpringsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora