Chapter 1- To us, one day...

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Everything about year six at Hogwarts would alter the future of the wizarding world. Though she didn't know it yet, Lara Blackwolf would blame herself for it all.

Upon returning to the school of witchcraft and wizardry following the events of Ranrok, Lara's intentions were set on her studies and friendships she knew needed mending. Running around, doing everything under the sun, and killing who needed to be killed took its toll. She prayed that this was the year she would feel like an actual student. She desperately wanted to suffer the anxiety of studying and test-taking and attend a quidditch match or three, maybe even fall in love. Lara's heart was desperately set on all these very normal aspects of being a student.

Before her, in the promise of its glory, gleamed the castle of Hogwarts. It towered above the early evening fog, the stiff bricks of its foundation rippling through the condensation on the pain of glass she dreamed through. The slight scent of musk filled her nose from the old seats of the Hogwarts Express. She wished she would have known the smell as a first year.

Starting out as a fifth-year was unnatural and no one let her forget it. Like an albino deer, everyone watched her with intent and wonder to see what she would do next. She hated it, and once the events of Ranrok set in, Lara knew that urge to focus on her wouldn't go away so quickly. This year would be different, it had to be.

Once the train pulled into the station outside of the school grounds, Lara gathered what small belongings she carried in hand and made her way down onto the platform. She kept her sights on the pavement, ensuring zero eye contact with anyone she didn't want to speak to.

The cool evening air brushed through her long golden mane. She regretted that she didn't tie it up. However, it aided her evasion of attentive eyes beginning to sink into her.

A boy she walked past dressed in Ravenclaw blue eyed her intently. His gaze watered over every inch of her body. She shivered at the idea of him picturing her without her uniform on. She lifted her dark crimson eyes at him, who still had yet to make it back up to her face, and glared daggers. She saw him occasionally through the halls last year. She might have had a class or two with him, but she didn't know the guy. A friend of his, also in Ravenclaw, stepped down onto the platform behind him and caught Lara's ill-intended scowl. He swallowed nervously and shook his friend's shoulder, dragging him out of his inappropriate trance.

"Keep moving Ravenclaw." That was all she said to them.

She thought she heard one of them mumble an apology, but she didn't stick around to find out. She picked her head up and walked down the path toward the thestral carriages. To avoid another event like that she needed to keep her eyes up. A few people must have caught the interaction because no one joined her on the short ride to the castle. Good, she thought.

The great hall encompassed Lara in light and warmth when she arrived. Her mood picked up once she made her way to her house table, Slytherin. On the way there she swung by Hufflepuff to grab Poppy by the shoulders, startling her into a small shriek. "Lara! Merlin, you startled me!"

"Sorry Poppy just wanted to stop by and say hello." Lara smiled for the first time that night.

"I'm so thrilled to see you! How was your summer? Do anything exciting?"

"Just prepped for this year, took a few trips to London here and there. Visit some old friends, nothing special."

Poppy had always been good at reading relief. "I'm glad you took time to yourself. I know you needed it."

"I did thanks." Lara noticed the last few stragglers taking their seats at their designated house tables. "I'm going to take a seat. Let's talk soon. We need to figure out what classes we have together."

"Oh yes, go ahead. I'll send you an owl!"

She smiled at the petite Hufflepuff and made her way back to the green table.

Lara searched for her familiar faces. Imelda Reyes caught her eyes and she made a B-line to her side.

"Well well, Blackwolf, back for another year of getting your ass kicked in the races?" Her arm slung over Lara's shoulders.

"Oh Reyes, do you not remember all your losses? I'm the fastest coming into year six, don't you deny it."

Imelda shook Lara's body, almost giving her whiplash. "And that's going to change this year my dear Lara! I've come back with vengeance and grit in my bones."

"HA! We'll see about that. I've considered trying out for the team this year."

"Seriously? No way! YES! I'm telling you, Lara, with you and me on the same team, the other houses don't stand a chance!"

"We don't want a mishap of last year Imelda, best to not get into any fist flights." The silky voice of Ominis Gaunt chimed through with welcomed reason. My eyes fluttered onto his milky face. He wasn't exactly facing us, but he made sure to maintain a direct physical emphasis on our conversation by shifting his weight toward us. "It's good to see you, Lara. I do hope if you join the team, you'll keep this one in check." He smirked from across the table.

Had Lara missed out that much? Surely she would have heard of a flight breaking out. "Who exactly did you fight last year?"

"Adelaide Oaks cheated. She bewitched Imelda's broom." Lara laughed wholeheartedly at Ominis's tone of voice, acting as if Imelda earned it.

"Please, she deserved it. I got her right square in the face that day. Now she can get the nose job she always wanted." Imelda sighed as if punching another student was a usual affair.

After a few laughs and conversations about last year's matches, headmaster Black took the podium and spoke like the entitled shit Lara knew he was. The other professors rolled their eyes at his remarks regarding the Ministry of Magic praising his actions on last year's events. Like everyone else, they desperately waited for him to finish.

Lara turned her attention to Ominis once the food appeared out of thin air. The aroma smelled of roasted turkey and garlic-buttered bread. "Hey, Ominis?" He hummed with turkey already in his mouth. "Where's Sebastian?"

His chewing slowed and Imelda's eyes darted between us.

His answer came slowly. "Sebastian has elected to drop out." Lara's heart sank. "He didn't tell you?"

Lara's mind raced back to the events of last year. All that they went through together was taxing enough and the choices he made were criminal, to say the least. But was she any better? "No."

"Oh." Was all Ominis managed to say.

Lara took a sip of pumpkin juice. She felt almost sick. Her lips dried a bit and her hands clenched at the thought of never seeing Sebastian again.

"Why would he—"

And then the ancient creek of the thousand-year-old doors of the great hall anxiously opened. Its sound caught only the attention of a few, as many were distracted by food.

A tall body with wavy auburn hair strode across its threshold. His shoulders got wider. He grew at least a few inches. His freckles were undoubtedly recognizable. He cradled his Slytherin robe across his forearm and his white button-down was nearly half open revealing the muscles of his neck. His green and silver tie hung loosely around that neck. Lara could see his veins and the slight budding darkness of chest hair. She swallowed hard.

It was Sebastian.

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