Chapter 6- Charmed

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Sebastian eventually sobered up after about an hour outside in the cold wind tunnel of the viaduct courtyard. Alone with his thoughts, he continuously replayed the events of the party in his head.

Did he regret it? No, not in the slightest. What he did regret was allowing Lara to see him so weak. Weak enough to barrel through her and another man, allowing his emotions to get the better of him. Sebastian looked down at his hands. They were beginning to bruise, caked in dried blood from Elias's stupid face.

He couldn't bring himself to leave the viaduct bridge, in fear of running into Lara in passing. He was sure she left the party by now. She hated parties and despised being the center of attention, he knew that. He assumed it was Imedla who dragged her to attend.

Sebastian groaned to himself, imagining Elias draped all over her. She didn't like parties, but she seemed to enjoy him. "Bloody hell." He mumbled to himself.

He stood up and began to walk over the length of the bridge. The soles of his shoes dragged across the damp stone, heavier with each step taken toward the unknown. He could keep walking till dawn. Right now, Sebastian didn't care. So long as no one saw him wear shame like this, least of all Lara, things would be better in the morning.


Lara's body staggered back in shock. The darkness below almost weighed her body down. She felt as if the large tunnel downward menacingly welcomed anyone who dare crane their sights too close. A lump of nerves heaved up from her throat at the thought of looking down, the idea sent a chilling ripple down her spine.

She wouldn't look down. It felt wrong. Instead, and for the first time, Lara took the coward's route. She backed out of the girl's bathroom as quickly as she could. She didn't know why but once her body passed the threshold, all fear of the large hole vanished.

"What in Merlin... "

For once she didn't know what direction to take this in. She could have done the responsible thing and gone straight to Professor Weasly or Headmaster Black. And where would that get her? Right behind a line of yellow tape reading 'not safe for students'. In other words, be treated like a child. She could have easily gone to Sebastian but that didn't seem to be an option. Not unless he felt like explaining his attitude toward her these last couple of weeks.

The only logical person she knew and trusted to confide in about such an event, specifically a strange Slytherin dungeon event, was the one person who would most definitely refuse to assist her.

Lara raced back to the Slytherin common room and straight for the boy's sixth-year room. She didn't see Ominis at the Ravenclaw party, so a good place to start looking was his room. His and Sebastain's room.

"Ominis!" Lara knocked aggressively. "Ominis if you're asleep I need you to wake up now! I need your help!"

A few moments passed. He didn't seem to be home.

Lara had to be sure. She cautiously creaked the door open and whispered, "Hello? Anyone home?" Thankfully, no one answered. She was happy to find Sebastian absent and disappointed to find Ominis was also elsewhere.

"Oh please tell me you're not at that fucking party Ominis." She didn't see him there, but she was distracted. He must have heard the commotion between Elias and Sebastian if he was in attendance. "Bloody hell... " The last place she wanted to go back to was that fowl party, but at the moment she felt as if there was no other option.

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