Chapter 5- Blood Stains

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Sebastian's heart suffocated for oxygen. The tendrils of  his blood vessels beneath his skin enflamed at the display. His grip on the glass that contained his numbing agent gave way. His skin was carved up by its shards, his blood seeping out thick and hot with rage.

He wasn't completely sure who initiated their sudden interaction. Lara was already at Nox's side when his eyes found her. Her, wearing those tight clothes he'd never seen before. He would be lying to himself if he didn't think she looked stunning. Her hair was much longer than last year, he noted. The shape of her body filled out in all the right places. Fuck.

Her and Elias's conversation was rather short, therefore Sebastian concluded that they must have met previously to move onto such a topic of sucking each other's faces off.

He just didn't understand it. She never liked guys like Nox.

Now that he considered it, he didn't know what sort of men she did find attractive.

"Seb! Ugh you got whiskey all over my dress!" Adelaide Oaks cried. He completely forgot that she had been draped all over him since he arrived at the party. He gave her attention once last week and now she was consistently on him like a house elf to the cloth. "What am I suppose to do now you swine? My dress is soiled!"

He hadn't glanced at her once since Lara arrived. It was as if nothing else mattered. Not the party, not the whiskey, not the two girls who previously tried to flirt their way to his side, not even the breathe in his lungs held a candle to Lara. The way she glowed in contrast to the rest of their classmates as she curiously scoped out the blue adornments of the common room sent him into a locked focus. He refused to look anywhere where she wasn't.

"How bout you go fuck off and clean yourself."

Adelaide scoffed at Sebastian and slapped his shoulder hard enough for him to stagger forward slightly.

She was still kissing him.

"You're such a dick, Sebastian! Ugh, I cannot believe you." Her voice trailed off into the noise of the crowd, and now Sebastian was left alone. Well, as alone as you could get at a crowded party.

His hand only just began to sting, as if the blood form his cuts were boiling. The sharp pain earned a hiss from his lips but his eyes still ravaged the scene before him.

Lara's hands found the bottom of Elias's scalp and her fingers knitted themselves into his dark locks. She seemed to open her mouth for him right when the palm of his hand scooped all too far down on the underside of her ass cheek. Elias squeezed, summoning a devilish smile from Lara's flushed lips.

Sebastian saw red.

She was enjoying it.

The next thing Sebastian did was as unexpected. His bloodied fist ripped Lara and Elias apart then landed square in the face of the seventh-year Ravenclaw.

Elias was knocked to the floor, the sheer force and loud crack of Sebastian's punch called the attention of the entire party towards them.


The music was still raging as Sebastian got on top of Elias's shell-shocked body, one knee pressed down on the plate of his chest while the other pinned his left arm to the floor, preventing retaliation.

"SEBASTIAN!" Lara cried.

"FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!" The whole of the common room chanted in unison. A small fighting pit seemed to form amongst the ring of students.

Elias managed to free his right hand and tried very hard to shove Sebastian's face away, but he had the upper hand.

Whether it was the six shots of fire whiskey he downed or some other unknown feeling he could not pinpoint, all of his rage for Elias Nox was released in another set of jabs onto the Ravenclaw's head.

Hereafter // Sebastian Sallow x Original Female Character (Post Game)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora