Chapter 4- Unexpected Doorways

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Two and a half weeks had passed since the first day of classes. Students all over the school had become emersed in their classes and activities. The weather slowly started to turn cooler at night, and the days were accompanied by the promise of brisk autumn air.

When the week came to a close, Lara was reminded by Imelda that quidditch tryouts would begin early Saturday morning. "7 a.m. sharp! Just because you're good doesn't mean I'm guaranteeing you a place on my roster!"

"You got it, I'll be there!" Lara confirmed. "By the way, did you happen to hear about a party tonight? I was thinking of going, but I don't know which house is holding it."

Imelda stopped in her tracks. She was wearing her flying gear, probably heading out to get in some extra practice. "Oh yeah, it's at Ravenclaw this weekend. We can head over together if you'd like?"

"Yeah, I don't know the password so that would be helpful." What Lara didn't say was that she didn't exactly know the blue house's common room location.

"I don't know it either. I'll ask their quidditch captain to make sure. They're notorious for changing it a least once a week. They're so paranoid... let's meet up inside the dungeon about an hour after dinner, yeah?" She nodded and then was off.

Lara was on her way out of the Slytherin common room with her leather satchel slung across her shoulder. She filled it with books and her journal to write in, in case she grew tired of studying. She agreed to meet up with Ominis outside the library after his class had ended.

While waiting, she sat patiently on the rim of the unicorn/werewolf fountain. Light sprits of cool water from the pool below occasionally splashed up on the back of her robes. The light of the afternoon sun kissed the ceiling through the stained glass above. The array of colors spilled on the pages of the book she was a quarter of the way through. Despite putting her to sleep the first night in the common room, Lara kept possession of The Secrets of Merlin. It was about his life and achievements in his time at and after Hogwarts. 

"Hello, Lara." Ominis called from a few feet away, red-tipped wand in hand and two books in the other.

She was very happy to see him. They only saw each other during breakfast and dinner as they had no classes together this term. Lara was adamant about maintaining her and Ominis's friendship. Lately, every time she saw him, a minor ting of guilt boiled in her gut. An unfortunate reminder of his and Sebastian's falling out. Why she felt guilty, she wasn't sure. Still, his company was always welcomed and his voice often soothed her soul when her anxiety rose out of her. "How was class Ominis?"

"As good as it could be. I've never been fond of magical beasts. I was nearly run over by centaurs as a child, though I believe them to be kind and gentle creatures, they and many other species have always frightened me."

"Well, I'm glad to see that you're taking a class that's slightly out of your comfort zone. It's a wonderful way to grow out of such a fear." Lara grinned hard to herself, imagining him snuggling up to a mooncalf. "Do you have a favorite at all?"

He hesitated as Lara held the library door open for him. "Well I cannot see them but I've heard that those puffskeins are rather cute. Though I was told I look like a kneazle kind of man."

"And who told you that?"

At the same time, Ominis said, and Lara guessed, "Poppy."

The two walked down into the belly of the library. For a Friday afternoon, it was rather crowded. Many of the students seemed to be on the younger end, mostly first years. Lara assumed it was due to the new environment, they had yet to grow accustomed to the curriculum yet. Lara wondered if she would have been the same if she started at Hogwarts in year one.

Hereafter // Sebastian Sallow x Original Female Character (Post Game)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora