Chapter 3- Year Six, Day One

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Hey guys! This is my first go at writing fanfiction :)  I'm not very good but I'm hoping it turns out alright. Please comment, vote, and share if you like it. I apologize for any errors I missed!

I plan on uploading as frequently as possible. I'm hoping for this to become a fully fleshed-out story. I have an idea of where it's going but I'm pretty much taking it chapter by chapter hehehe okay byeeeeeee


Even though she crawled into bed well past three in the morning, Lara still managed to make it twenty minutes early to her first class of the day, Advanced Potions.

Professor Sharp was the only one in the room when she arrived. He greeted her back to class with compliments on the previous paper she had written him last term. It had been on the history and uses of Wiggenweld. A potion she mastered well since last year.

Lara took the first seat at the second table in front of Sharp. As he shuffled through some papers he groaned to himself. "I'll be right back Miss Blackwolf. I seem to have misplaced my own version of this term's textbook... I must have left it in my quarters." He hobbled off mumbling the last bit of his words to himself.

That morning before leaving the common room, she had decided to throw her hair up into a high ponytail. It had been weaved back by an enchanted vine she mended a few months back from a tree that grew outside her small apartment. She decided to decorate her face with black mascara as well, something she didn't do so often. She felt normal this way, content with the normalcy of being a student.

"Wasn't expecting to see you here this early."

She knew that voice, it seemed to be deeper than last night. She knew his smell: sea mist battering off the cliffs of Feldcroft, and fresh eucalyptus.

Lara turned around to an early riser version of Sebastian.

"You seemed to be up rather late last night. Who knows what you were up to." Oh if smirks could kill.

Lara blankly stared at him then immediately turned back around to face the must less interesting front of the class.

"Or rather, who knows who you were doing." Seriously?

Lara snapped, "What's the deal with you? Huh?"

"Relax, just making a joke." He scoffed and evaded her eyes. "I know you were just up reading."

"Yeah, and how would you know that? It's not like you came up to me to say anything. It's only been the entire summer since you last reached out."

Sebastian's hands spread out on the table. His fingers tap danced against the worn wood grain. "I didn't have anything to say to you."

Oh. "Nothing to say."

He frowned as if he felt how much such a sentence could damage a friendship. "You're just a girl who helped me out when I needed something done."

Lara couldn't believe what she was hearing. Had last year been a sham? A lie? She assumed their friendship had never been stronger when year five came to a close. He told her how much he appreciated her and how she refused to turn him in after the ordeal with his Uncle.

How dare he.

"And you're a right fowl git Sebastian Sallow." Lara's dark crimson eyes held Sebastian's light brown eyes in a chokehold when she said that. His face drained of color and he seemed to buzz with sudden rage. She didn't care. His fists had balled, nearly ready to slam on the table and say something worse back at her.

Before he could say anything Sharp returned, his textbook in hand, followed by a slew of other students ready for the day. That's when Sebastian sat down in silent anger, still locked onto Lara's scowl.

Hereafter // Sebastian Sallow x Original Female Character (Post Game)Where stories live. Discover now