Chapter 13- Slytherin versus Ravenclaw

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Sebastian spent much of his week either on the quidditch pitch or sticking extra close to Augustus, and thinking of Ominis. His head became cluttered with unrolling thoughts of Caraway and his intentions with his best friend. Imagining Ominis playing to his goals made Sebastian sick. It was one thing that he was being taken advantage of, but his friend? Sebastian would not allow any further pursuit of Ominis and his talents.

In addition, maintaining this facade of total compliance became evermore important as Sebasitans planned to press Carway. Augustus was so sure that he and Ominis's friendship had diminished. So much in fact, he began speaking of him more loosely around Sebastian over the last few days. Sebastian intended on drawing out more truth from him if possible. But he needed to be careful.

"Did I tell you I found the entrance?" Augustus asked willingly.

He and Sebastian were eating dinner in the great hall, completely surrounded by the multitude of distracted eyes and ears. Augustus was smart. He hid these serious conversations within the ocean of other students' conversations. Always hiding his recent achievements in plain sight, and Sebastian was forced to play dumb.

"You haven't. How did you come by it?"

"Well, after your lack of research due to your female escapades of late, I came across a conversation regarding the girl's bathroom. During the second week of term, a second-year was talking to a first-year about the myths of Hogwarts. She claimed that the girl's bathroom in the Slytherin dungeon was said to be the entrance to hell. Not that I assumed anything right away, I simply thought it would be worth investigating. To my complete shock, I did find a serpent emblem on one of the sink's faucets engraved into the metal."

"Congratulations Auggie, you snuck into the girl's bathroom without getting caught."

Caraway hissed at him and ignored the insult. "I didn't say I didn't get caught. Well, I didn't get caught when I investigated the first time. On the night of the Ravenclaw party while everyone was distracted, drunk, and getting beaten," Auggie winked. "I saw your old squeeze, that Blackwolf girl."

Sebastian's skin tightened around the ball of his fist. That girl's name, last or first, didn't belong in Caraway's mouth. Sebastian held his tongue and questioned further. "Ah that one, rather annoying these days, she can't seem to leave me alone. How is it that she happened to run into you that night?"

"Not sure, but she seemed rather unruly. I assume she was at the party that night, maybe she finally got some sense fucked into her."

Rage, it was now pure rage stabbing Sebastian directly in the chest. How dare he say that about Lara. His brow might have twitched up slightly, maybe his skin scorched the slightest tint of pink. He wasn't completely sure, but he thanked Merlin that Caraway was looking at his food when he said that.

"I heard she's seeing that seventh-year Elias Nox."

She isn't seeing anyone, Sebastian scowled in his head.

"Seems like it. He's in Ravenclaw, ya?" Sebastian asked as if he hadn't already started his own research on the guy.

"Maybe, I wouldn't know."

There grew an uncomfortable silence between them. Sebastian couldn't tell at all whether Caraway was playing along with him. Clearly, he knew that it was he who beat up Nox that night. Did he know that he and Lara were still... sort of friends? Perhaps he did screw things up when throwing that first punch.

"Anyway, she saw me walk out and to be completely honest it threw me off guard. The little bitch questioned me like a prefect. Wasn't much I could do other than walk away."

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