Chapter 12- The Chamber of Secrets

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Ominins returned from his family's estate the Sunday after the Hufflepuff party. He intended on meeting with both Lara and Sebastian in the undercroft before the day was out. Assuming things went well when he was gone, Ominis considered their trio's potential to become good friends again. It sparked a smile across his face, the idea of things being good again provided the promise of peace and prosperity at Hogwarts, an unfortunate reminder of it lacking in his home life.

Among other things, Ominis truly was looking forward to speaking with them. Though his news was not pleasant, Ominis had a plan. What he learned from a knowledgeable relative over the weekend was chilling and dark. Salazar Slytherin was ready to test them again, and Ominis feared that this would be more taxing than last year's events.

He allowed his wand to lead him through the empty corridors. His journey to the common room was quick and cool, as the early morning sun had yet to heat the stone inside the castle halls. When he made his way down the spiral stairs and into his room, the unfamiliar aura of another struck him to a yield.

"Sebastian? Are you in here?"

A moan emanated from Sebastian's side of the room, a female moan.


"OMNINIS!" Sebastian shot out of his sheets, shirtless. The bones of his knuckles came up to his eyes as they rubbed his attention into focus. "Bloody hell! When did you get back?"

"Just now. Who else is in our room?"

Sebastian hesitated. "Ah, well about that-"

Ominis spoke quickly, cutting Sebastian off. "If it's Lara I'm happy for you both, frankly I've been waiting for it, but I'd much rather wait outside until you're both decent. Merlin, I've never been happier to be blind!"

"Lara?" A girl's voice yawned, she sat up from the floor. Overed in Sebasitan's robe and about three other blankets. "My name is Rose." The girl's voice was not only tired but ditsy too. "Why... how did I get on the floor, Sebastian?"

"I pushed you there and buried you in blankets so you would stop snogging me."

Omninis couldn't believe what he was hearing. "Rose? Rose Lockhart?"

"Oh you're that blind kid Sebastian use to hang around last year," Rose stated the obvious.

Ominin's hand slapped his own face and a large huff exited his lips. "Get out!"

"Excuse me?" Rose snarled.

"Get out or I will call a prefect to make you leave and write you up for detention for sleeping in a boy's room and in a common room that is not your own house!"

"How do you-"

"I'm blind, not dim. Get the fuck out." Ominis could hear that she had yet to move off the floor. "NOW!"

Rose scrambled to gather her things. He didn't see but Omninis felt her scowl on him. She provided him with one last huff before slamming their door upon her exit.

"What's the problem Ominis, the poor girl just woke up."

Ominis's body turned to Sebastian. "What's my problem? Sebastian, why the bloody hell did you sleep with Rose Lockhart?"

Sebastian sat forward slightly. His knees bent under the sheets and his arms came up to rest atop them. Not that Ominis could see, but his hair was mangled enough to suggest they might have slept together, roughly.

"I didn't have sex with her. We were snogging but she kept trying to press herself onto me and I didn't want that. I just wanted Lara to see us, that's all." Sebastian's words trembled at the end and Omninis could sense some sort of guilt rising in his voice.

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