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   After that long mysterious you woke up it felt so good not to randomly be cuffed to a bed, you 

checked the time and you were shocked to see how early it was, it was 5:30 am on a Saturday 

morning. You put your phone down and lay back down you tried for an hour to sleep, but no 

matter how hard you tried you just couldn't sleep so you turned around and cuddled Ambrose, 

he woke up and he smiled at you "Good morning Princess" He said kissing you on the head.

You smile, "Good morning love" You reply tiredly and you kiss him on the lips,

"Are you still tired?" he asked gently, "Yes I'm tired love, I woke up at 5:30 am" you told 

him still trying to sleep. 

    He pulled you close and he starts kissing your neck you just lay there because you are so tired 

and are enjoying it at the same time. After 10 minutes you fell asleep you woke up 2 hours late 

so it was now 7:30 am you got out of bed got dressed and did your hair then you went 

downstairs and peeked into the kitchen, that's when you see Ambrose cooking " That is the first 

ever time I saw Ambrose cooking" You thought. Ambrose looked behind and saw you "Hello 

princess did you sleep way better?" He asked putting breakfast on the table, "Yes I feel much 

better now that I have gotten more sleep thank to you" You replied laughing, he looked at you

smiling and he let out a little laugh, you turned red because you have never heard him laugh 

you have only heard him chuckle.

     "You all good princess? You are all red like a tomatoe" He asked staring at you," Yes I'm ok 

you just... have..a.. good laugh, yea that's all". you told him, "Ok, he said smiling and knowing 

what you were really gonna say but he never showed it. Ambrose knew you a lot more than you

would've thought, "  Y/n I want you to know that I can tell when you are lying or not, I know you 

way more then you think I do, I just don't show it because I like being a mystery where you don't 

know about me but I know you." You looked at him shocked "Did he really just read my mind or 

something" you thought for a moment. "Yes I did read you mind princess" He said. You turned 

red and that's when you said "You know that invading my personal thought that I keep to myself

now I won't be able to think just knowing you are reading my mind love." You laughed a bit.

"You have an amazing laugh princess" He said eating. That's when you turned very red you were 

a dark shade of red, or more than fifty shades of red.  "He was so dreamy" you thought in your

mind, making sure he wasn't around you for that.

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