Episode 1

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*Welcome back to a new season of this fan fiction. I hope you all like it and can leave a vote and comment showing support. If you didn't like it at least leave a comment telling me why. It helps me out a lot. Okay enough of my babbling. Enjoy!*


The winter was harsh but we managed to get through. Rick seemed just as cold as the snow, always snapping orders at everyone and showing little to no emotion to his family. He got us through some really tough spots so I wasn’t complaining but Carl was struggling with it after losing Shane. Lori grew bigger and bigger every month that passed making everyone more and more worried about walkers that snuck up on us.

We never were able to settle down anywhere for more than a night or so and if we got a second night we were very lucky. Daryl and I worked together every day to help Rick and we supplied a lot of food or at least anything we could find. It wasn’t much but it kept Lori fed along with everyone else in the group. I skipped a lot of my meals to make sure Lori ate but then Daryl would share his with me.

I couldn’t even refuse it once he offered it. He would give me a death glare if I did. No one talked much either nowadays, not unless we absolutely needed to. We were in a kind of hot zone for walkers so they were always closing in on us whenever we turned our back to them.

“Pssst” I looked over to Daryl seeing him point to a large white house we pulled up to hoping we were able to stay the night. Daryl waved his finger at me telling me to go with them. I didn’t hesitate as I pulled my bow over my shoulder and pulled out my hatchet and knife as I moved with him. Rick was already at the door waiting with T-dog behind him followed by me and Daryl, then Carl last. Carl helped out more now that we found a silencer for his pistol.

Rick nodded to us to be ready. We nodded back as I held up my hatchet and Rick shoved the doors wide open making a bunch of noise as he raised his own silenced gun and shot the closest walker in the front hallway. Once it was dead T-Dog rushed in, and around Rick as he killed the second one. A third was walking around the corner just down the hall. I moved quickly and with a grunt, I brought the hatchet down then quickly yanked it out breathing heavily as I watched the walker fall dead.

I turned back to look at the others seeing Daryl walk in with his crossbow raised and went right of the door to check somewhere else while Rick went left. T-dog was still prying the fireplace poker from the skull of the walker he killed and Carl rushed into the hall with his gun raised ready to fight just like we taught him. Carl rushed to catch up with Rick and T-dog was with them as well so I figured I’d go with Daryl to watch his back just in case.

I walked down the hall I saw him disappear into and finally caught up only for him to spin around and point his crossbow at me. Once he saw it was me he quickly lowered it and shot me an annoyed glare. I shrugged my apology to him knowing I should have been more careful. We suddenly heard some movement from down another hall and tensed. We turned to the direction of the noise and I followed behind Daryl making sure to give some space in case he needed to back up and had my hatchet raised and ready to throw. It was a new skill I had practiced and was quite fond of now.

We walked up to a door still hearing movement when the door suddenly shot open but we quickly learned it was just Rick. The three of us breathed a heavy sigh of relief as we turned to go back to what we were doing. I looked around the living room but there was nothing left to find, at least that I could see with the lack of light. Daryl tapped my arm and waved for me to follow him. He led us back toward the front door where we heard some more noise up the stairs. I looked at Daryl who glanced at me. I nodded to him letting him know I was with him.

He raised his bow again and started to climb up the stairs careful of the creaky floorboards. I heard something behind me and turned to see T-dog had decided to join us. Daryl glanced back probably sensing my anxiety but once he saw I was okay he turned back to the stairs. Once at the top we saw a hallway that led to three separate rooms. Daryl signaled to me to check the first one. I gave a nod as I moved to the door and pushed the door open and stepped into the room carefully. It was empty. I did a quick search through the room checking the closets and under the bed but again found nothing. Except for a journal. I decided I’d take it with me since it was brand new and figured what the hell.

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