Episode 12

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The next day it was just like any other only we now knew what was to come, so even as we worked hard to make sure we were ready, we always took a second sometime during the day to just feel happy for just another second with those we loved. I even spent some time looking after Judith. She was so small and innocent, and yet she was mostly going to be treated just like the rest of us. It was cruel. When I wasn’t watching her, I was on watch over the courtyard, and if I wasn’t doing that, I was loading bullets. 

Everyone seemed to be as normal as you would have expected. Except Rick. I could see he was avoiding us and hiding something. I even caught Hershel looking over to Rick as well. Throughout the day, I caught Hershel looking at him, and it was only by the next morning that I actually went up to Herhsle and asked him if something was wrong.

“Hershel I need to talk to you” Rick spoke up as I was talking to him and walked on by with Daryl at his side. Hershel started to move and tried to keep his eyes away from me, but I touched his arm and stood in his way

“Hershel what’s going on?” I whispered, growing even more worried. It wasn’t like Rick to keep anything like this from us, even if he got the choice in the matter. Finally, Hershel turned his eyes to me and heaved a heavy sigh 

“Come with me” was all he said, and I followed him to the back alleyway where Rick and Daryl stood alone and waiting for Hershel. Once Rick saw me, he grew tense and then looked to Hershel.

“Rick?...what’s going on?” I asked him directly, and he tensed as he looked down, then rubbed his eyes, clearly irritated by me being here.

“The Gonvernor wants Michonne” he stated simply, then looked up to me and with a blank expression. I physically felt my mouth fall open at his answer. He turned to Daryl “It’s the only way” he said like he had already made his choice. “No one else knows” he said 

“So you're just going to hand her over and make up some lie about how she left?” i demanded angry at him for this choice. I looked at Daryl to see he was just looking down and shifting from side to side, and Hershel was looking down, in shame, I would guess. 

“No I’ll tell them. Not till after” Rick answered me without turning to me and only looking at Daryl “we have to do it today. It has to be quiet” Rick told him.

“You got a plan?” Daryl asked, and I stepped closer to them

“You’ve got to be kidding me guys” I hissed and turned to Rick “We can’t do this-we can’t trust him” I told him, angry

“It’s that chance we have to take” Rick snapped back at me. I frowned. 

“Rick we wouldn’t have made it this far without here she’s with us…she’s part of this group we can’t just turn her over because this guy “promises” not to slaughter the rest of us” I countered, making sure to use air quotations in front of him

“You willing to put Daryl’s life on that?” Rick asked, and I scoffed at him

“You can’t put Carl’s life on it…I can’t put Daryl’s life on it….what I can do is tell you he’s going to kill us off one by one…First Michone then Merle….hell maybe even Glenn and Maggie next” I snapped at him waving to Daryl then to Hershel to make sure they heard me.

“We tell her we need to talk…away from the others” Rick goes on to explain as he turns his attention back to Daryl and was even shifting form one foot to another showing he wasn’t comfortable with the idea as well. Maybe I had time to talk him out of this. Rick moved past me so he could talk to Daryl on his own without me poking his concious to change his mind. I looked at Daryl frowning, and he was looking back at me, still debating on it. 

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