Episode 11

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The next day passed faster than I would have wanted. Mostly because Daryl and I got to work together like old times. of course, there were those spots here and there when Daryl had to go check on Merle and make sure he wasn’t getting into any trouble. Glenn was avoiding Daryl still upset that Merle was stuck with us. I could see it was killing Daryl as well. How this hurt him so much, and he was working hard to try and get him to talk with no such lucky. 

Glenn mostly spoke to me when giving out orders, and he paired me with Daryl. For most of the day, our chores consisted of checking what we had left while Rick left with Michonne and Carl to get some more guns and ammo. By the end of the day, my hands were cramping from loading up clips, so we didn’t have to worry about it later. Almost everyone was doing this job other than when someone had to keep watch for anything weird outside, and Merle, of course. With his hand missing, he wasn’t that helpful with loading clips, and Glenn didn’t trust him enough to give him a task even if Daryl was on babysitting duty for him.

By that evening, Rick came back with Michonne and Carl with a bunch of supplies for our war we assumed was going to go down, plus some extra supplies for Judith. An actual baby crib, along with some toys and food and clothes. However, when they got back, they were all on edge, it seemed, and Rick wasn’t much for talking until after we got everything inside. Then, and only then did Rick get us together and tell us that they had run into Andrea again only this time. She had something a bit more promicing to say. 

Aparently, the Gonvernor was willing to sit down and talk out some kind of agreement. Andrea gave us a location that was somewhere in an old oil field or something and was at a half-way mark from our Prison and Woodbury. After this announcement, Rick pulled Daryl and Hershel to the side to talk to them in private. I sat down to load some more clips but couldn’t help but keep glancing over to them. If Rick was going, he was going to take his best men, I would think…why didn’t he call me or Glenn. We were more than willing to go with him rather than Hershel…he had one leg”

It wasn’t too long after that did they split up, and my eyes focused on Daryl as his eyes looked over to me, then quickly looked down like he was hiding something. Without thought, I stood up and walked over to him 

“What did he say?” I asked Daryl in a hushed tone. He quickly looked around and then nodded for me to follow him into a quieter place to talk. 

“Rick wants me and Hershel to go with him” He stated as he looked at me 

“I got that much…but…isn’t it too dangerous for Hershel to go?” I wondered, only worried for him. “It should be Glenn or me going not him-”

“Glenn could snap just by lookin' at the guy….” Daryl pointed out. I sighed, realizing he was right. 

“What about me?” I offered, looking up at him “I’m more than willing to take him place-”

“I need you here to watch Merle for me” he mumbled as he looked down at me. 

“You really think that’s a good idea?” I asked

“Merle could start something with Glenn….I trust you to keep him in line” he shrugged simply. I tilted my head at him, feeling the worry in my gut. “You don’t like it - I know”  he said and stepped closer to me “but I need ya here” he whispered, his thick southern accent coming through. Reluctantly, I nodded, and without another word, we headed back to the others. 

The next morning, I made sure I got up early enough to see them off to the meeting. I was right to do so as well since Rick wan’ted to get there early and scope the place out before the actual meeting place. 

“Looks like it’s just me and you sweetheart” Merle spoke up from be side me. I rolled my eyes as I turned to look at him seeing he had a smug face but he was just watching Daryl as he left on his motorbike, easily swerving aroudn the walkers in his way to leave the area. 

Surviving the Walking Dead (TWD FanFiction) Season 3Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant