Episode 5

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The next morning was silent and slow for everyone. Now that we all got things set up and everything had calmed down we all sat back and took a look around to see how much smaller our group was now. The idea was that those we lost were, really gone and it was hard on all of us. Even more so on Carl. He was given food but he refused to eat and didn't even attempt to play with it. I sat down beside him and attempted to convince him to eat but with no such luck. 

I looked around and saw Daryl was looking over just as worried about him as I was. Hell everyone was worried about him, he was just a kid and had a new baby sister. He would need to grow up even faster now and that sucked. Maybe on our run, I could find something he would like. Glenn and Maggie were somehow always touching after they are small split from the other day on the emergency run and Beth had stepped up as the helping hand of a nanny or something. 

At times I would spot her smile just a little as she would watch the baby and since she had the baby I knew I could always find Carl there and Hershel was never too far away with his leg and all. Daryl sat on the stairs across the room with Oscar, and Axel was trying to get the generator working again so he missed breakfast. And Rick….well...still grieving.

“Everybody okay?” I jumped hearing the sudden sound and turned to see none other than Rick himself. He was cleaned up and looked a bit more like himself than he had before so that meant something right?

“Yeah, we are” Maggie spoke up as we watched him open up the gate that blocked off the bad area of the prison and listened to the loud cry of the dry and rusty joints of the metal door. Rick took slow steady steps into the room trying to hide something as he looked over all of us 

“What about you?” Hershel asked and Rick turned his blank expression toward him before he lowered his eyes 

“I cleared out the boiler block” He announced without even acknowledging Hershel’s question

“How many were there?”  Daryl asked him 

“I don’t know. A dozen, two dozen” Rick answered but still seemed lost or unable to focus. “I have to get back. Just wanted to check on Carl” he added as he turned away from everyone and rested his hand on Carl’s shoulder and just gave him a small pat on the back. I frowned at Rick even if he couldn’t see me. Now more than ever Carl needed him and he was just going to go back to wherever he was? 

“Rick, we can handle taking out the bodies,” Glenn said trying to stop Rick from leaving and going to be alone again. “You don’t have to”

“No, I do” Rick replied with a tight nod and looking angry that he could even suggest such a thing. Suddenly he just walked around all of us and I turned to look at Carl as he sighed like he figured this was going to happen and didn’t plan to try and change it. “Everyone have a gun and a knife?” Rick spoke to Daryl

“Yeah. We’re running low on ammo, though,” he advised him

“Maggie, Jade, and me were planning on making a run this afternoon,” Glenn added quickly to calm any worry Rick had already. We all wanted him to feel that he could take the time he needed and we could handle it and I felt the same except for when it came to Carl. 

“We found a phone book with some places somewhat close by, figured we could look for bullets and formula” I explained after Glenn 

“We cleared out the generator room,” Daryl spoke up again. At this point Rick almost looked surprised that we all had everything under control “Axel’s there trying to fix it. in case of emergency” he explained “We’re gonna sweep the lower levels as well”

“Good. Good” Rick mumbled as he nodded then without another look he headed to the door to leave us all again

“Rick!” Hershel called to him but Rick just grabbed the cell door and slammed it shut before vanishing into the dark hallways of the back of the prison once again. That was it for the whole talking thing and after breakfast, we all got moving to get ready to head out. 

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