Episode 2

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“Open the door!” We all jumped to attention as we heard Rick yell at us. “It's Hershel!” he yelled. I ran over to the stairs and then down the steps to see Carol had gotten to the door in record time and unlocked it and opened it. I saw Rick and Maggie in front and they were hovering over Hershel who was laying unconscious on a metal table. 

“What the hell happened?” I asked in shock as I moved to help but just ended up standing to the side as they did all the work getting him into a cell 

“He got bit” Rick explained as they moved him to a bed and Carol was right there to take care of him since Hershel had taught her how to heal people. 

“My god he’s gonna turn” I looked to see Beth just kind of frozen stiff and standing there looking at him.

“Did you cut it off?” Lori asked. Once on the bed Carol moved to the stump of his leg and pulled away the cloth that covered the end and blood spilled out

“We need bandages,” Carol told them

“We used everything we had-”

“well get more. anything!” Carol cut off Glenn 

“Carl go get the towels from the back right, right next to my bed,” Lori told Carl and he ran off to get them. I moved over to Beth’s side and rubbed her back and she looked up at em 

“Is he gonna die?” she asked me and I shook my head

“No, he’s going to be fine” I promised her and hugged her to comfort her. “He’s gonna okay” I repeated 

“You think you can stabilize him?” Rick asked Carol

“I need to keep his leg elevated,” Carol explained “Get some pillows!”

“Jade go” Rick snapped at me and I nodded and pulled away from Beth and rushed to the other cells and grabbed what I could find to get his leg elevated. I grabbed anything from the other cells and than rushed back

“Carol” I breathed and she lifted the leg and I put the pillows into place then moved out of the way so she could work. 

“Hey, this is my house, my rules. I go where I damn well please!” I heard someone yell and I looked around and at Rick who was standing close by 

“Who is that?” I asked him and he sighed and looked at me then to the door behind me. I turned to look at the cell door that led out then back to him

“Prisoners, survivors” Rick explained and everyone grew even more tense but Rick raised his hand to calm them “It’s alright. everybody stay put” Rick instructed then looked at Glenn and me and nodded for us to follow. I pulled my bow from my shoulder and got an arrow ready when Rick stopped and so did Glenn and me. “Do not leave his side” Rick hissed looking at Glenn. Glenn went stiff “If he dies, you need to be there for that” Rick spoke to him and Glenn lowered his eyes to take in the idea of him dying. “I’d leave Jade here but you need to be here with Maggie” he added, “You think you can do this?” he asked 

“I got this,” Glenn whispered after another moment. Rick nodded and then looked at me and we both ran to the door when Glenn stopped me. "Here you better take this," he told me and held out his pistol. I was worried when he told me that but I didn't question him and took it then rushed to catch up with Rick. With Carl close by and he got the door open letting us in. I stepped inside to see Daryl holding up his crossbow and another with a gun so I aimed mine at them as well. The one in front had shoulder-length black wavy hair with tanned skin and black eyes. He was wearing a muscle-t while half of his overalls were tied around his waist. He had a single revolver pointed at T-dog and I saw Daryl had his crossbow aimed right at him so I focused my gun on the next threatening guy which was the largest black guy toward the back. 

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