Episode 9

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The next morning, I woke up to some pretty vilent shaking done by Carl. He was calling my name, and from the sound of his tone, he was pretty irritated by me taking so long to regester it was even me he was talking to.

“What?” I groaned still half asleep and trying to shrug him off

“Glenn wants to see everyone” he told me. I half turned over and looked at him to see if he was joking. Why would Glenn want to see everyone.

“Take one of the new guys or something” I said, not thinking

“We can’t….my dad didn’t let them in” Carl explained to me. My brain seemed to instantly clear up, like he threw a bucket of cold water over me to wake me up. I turned over then threw my legs over the side as I looked Carl in the eyes

“What do you mean?” I asked, hoping I had heard the wrong thing

“My dad kinda….lost it...pulled his gun on them” he explained, sounding worried. I frowned at Carl and rubbed my face. 

“And Glenn?” I asked

“Glenn seems...angry. I don’t know why” he shrugged inocently. I had an idea of what was going on with Glenn and Rick... now I just had to get everyone settled down. I stood up and grabbed my bow. “Oh here... Carol said you would need this for that” Carl spoke up as I turned to him and saw he had some kind of strap on it. With the strap, I might be able to clip it onto my bow so I can carry it all the time on my belt rather than fiddle with it on my shoulder

“Thanks Carl. This will help me a lot” I said, smiling to him. “Hey don’t worry I’ll get everyone sorted out” I told him and rubbed his shoulder before leaving. I headed down the steps and went straight to the end of the hall where i could see Glenn pacing around and waiting for me, no doubt. His eyes looked up to me, and I could see he was about to unleach his inner boss to me.

“It’s about time you showed up” he snapped at me 

“I wasn’t awear we were having a meeting” I mumbled as I looked around the room to see i, in fact, was the only one left who wasn’t here, other than Carl. I could almost see a roll of his eyes at me as he walked back to the back of the room to a blank space of the floor with Carl behind him. Glenn then started to draw out a map of the prison where Carl had found the four survivors. 

“Right...Now you said you found Tyreese’s group here?” Glenn asked Carl as he looked at the map and where Glenn was pointing 


“We secured this.” Glenn said, confused. and worried

“He thought he came through here” Carl clerified by pointing to a spot in the chalk outline of the map. Glenn let his shoulders slouch over. Not with releif but in difeat it looked like 

“Means there’s another breach…” Glenn spoke outloud to everyone, or maybe he was just talking outloud. “Okay...the whole front of the prison is unsecure. If walkers just strolled in, then it’s gonna be a piece of cake for a group of armed men.”

“Why are we even so sure he’s going to attack?”Beth asked curious “Maybe you scared him off” she added, sounding hopeful

“He had fish tanks full of heads. Walkers and humans. Trophies...He’s coming” Michone promised us with just one look

“We should hit him now” Glenn said, looking to her while I could hear Beth whispering ‘what?’ to him. “He won’t be expecting it” Glen explained

“Glenn they weren’t expecing us last time and looked what happened” I spoke up trying to get him away from the idea of going back and attacking them “the whole town is going to be on full alert” 

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