Episode 8

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I stood beside the Governor, with my hands tied behind my back, while Daryl stood in the middle of this large area that seemed to be set up like some kind of gladiator arena with his hands tied the same way. Merle, however, was as free as everyone around them. People surrounded them and yelled to 'kill him'. I couldn't be sure who they were talking to, but I was only worried about Daryl. 

I watched Daryl as he stood there, and I could see by his ragged breathing that he was scared. Merle seemed completely at peace. I felt the Governor touch my arm, but I ripped it away and shot him a glare before turning back to look at Daryl. He wasn't even looking at me. He was so worried. Before I could react, the Governor grabbed my arm and yanked me to follow him as he walked around them, almost like using me as a hostage to keep Daryl in line. Suddenly, the Governor pulled me away as I tried to fight him. 

"Let me go!" I yelled at him. but he just shoved me to the ground where I was forced to kneel. 

"Let them go. Philip, " I heard a voice and turned to see Andrea was there trying to talk to the Governor who wasn’t even looking over at her. 

“Stay out of this” a guard warned her as he aimed his gun at her

 "They are my friends!" she told him 

"It's not up to me anymore," The Governor said, sounding cold.


“The people have spoken” He cut her off. I frowned and looked back over to Daryl "I asked where your loyalties lie" The Governor said as he pointed to Merle "You said ‘here’...well prove it....prove it to us all" he told him as someone untied Daryl "Brother against brother...winner goes free" he announced. I felt my mouth hanging open as I watched Merle turn to Daryl. "Fight!..to the death!" The crowd cheered as he said this, and I winced as I pulled and struggled against my ties, feeling the rope burning into my skin

“Philip, please. don’t do this…” Andrea begged from the side as a man still held her back from him and us. I winced as I turned and twisted in my ropes, hoping that something would give, but nothing happened. It wasn’t long before some people were now encouraging Merle to kill his own brother. He wouldn’t...right?... well regardless I wasn’t ready to find out.

"You all know me!" Merle yelled while holding his hands up to the sky. "I'm gonna do whatever I got to do!...to prove!" he yelled, then turning from his adoring fans to hit Daryl in the stomach, making him fall to the ground and curl up to gasp for air

"Stop!" I yelled as loud as I could to Merle. I felt my anger rising at him. How could he do this? That was his brother. 

"That my loyalty is to this town!" he yelled as he brought back his foot and then brought it hard to Daryl's side, kicking him over. The crowd was now screaming and cheering him on even more in excitement. What the hell was wrong with these people?

"Merle!..you bastard!" I yelled as I moved to sit down, then pulled my legs through my arms and barely managed to when I saw Merle kick him again and again. Daryl wasn't fighting him at all. He was just taking it. Once my hands were free, I stood up and moved to jump into the fight, but two guards grabbed me and dragged me back. I looked over as I saw some men bringing in walkers into the ring. "Get up, Daryl!" I yelled, losing my vision to the tears in my eyes. My heart was racing, scared that he was just going to accept his death. "Daryl!!" I screamed again to try to get him to listen and fought against the men who held me in place

A second later, I saw Merle stagger back, from Daryl finally fighting back. Daryl jumped up to his feet, then lunged for Merle, but he expected this somehow and easily just flipped him over his shoulder and onto the ground. Before Daryl could stand up, Merle pinned him to the ground again and was now on top of him, choking him. I yanked on the grip of my captures as Daryl and Merle fought on the ground. A second later, when they both jumped up and turned their backs to each other and faced the walkers that surrounded them, I realized it was all a part of some plan by Merle. Together, they fought the walkers off and even tried to turn them to the crowd, but nothing really worked. 

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