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Picture up top is Legend Maker (Legend).

        Kennedy was training her Welsh pony, Faith, over some showjumps in the outdoor arena when her mother came with the news that would change her life forever. Her father had had an accident at a three-day event he was competing in on the cross-country course. His horse, Legend Maker, tripped and fell into the ditch, crushing Kennedy's father beneath him. Legend Maker had survived without serious injury, but Kennedy's father was not so lucky.

        "Sweetie, I'm so sorry" her mother told her, eyes glistening with rarely shed tears. "Your father is dead, and I have to sell the stables. We'll be selling the horses and moving to a small countryside village in Kentucky."

        Kennedy was crying now too, tears streaming down her face as she exclaimed to her mother, "But what about Faith? And Lady? And Legend? We can't sell them!"

        "We can bring Faith, but Lady and Legend and all the others will be sold off to various stables" her mother informed her. "Kennedy, I'm so sorry"

        "Leave me alone!" she cried, wheeling Faith around and galloping off, leaping over the arena fence like it wasn't there.

        Later, Kennedy went to visit the stables to say goodbye to the horses. Her family owned a good twenty horses, and she knew each of them well. Rosette, Pixie, Chance, Autumn, Whiskers, Cherry, Duke, Blue, Taffy, Bullet, Fred, Cora, Miles, Belle, River, Angel, Tsunami, Legend, Lady, and Faith. "I wish you didn't have to go!" Kennedy cried into Lady's neck, wishing that her father didn't have had to die, that her mother was keeping the stables, keeping the horses, and Kennedy could stay where she was, but she knew that this was final. She was moving to Kentucky, and could only take Faith, who she'd had for only a few months.

        "Goodbye, Lady" she whispered, knowing that she would be gone by morning.

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