Chapter Nine

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Heheheh I said that this was a work in progress...and it was...when I wrote ten words then got busy...and then ended up deleting those ten words. Coconut up top. ANYWAYS, here's chapter nine!

        I rode Lexington one-handed up the driveway, a habit that I had when I was riding at a walk and wasn't practicing. Finnick rode Nightshade beside me, still dripping wet from falling in the lake. As we approached the stable, I saw Parker tacking Feather up. Great, I thought. I was still confused by how Parker had acted toward me the night before. I halted Lexington, dismounted, and tethered him to a hitching post. Finnick copied me with Nightshade, and I realized that I didn't exactly have a plan on how to get Finnick dried off quickly. I knew from experience during a hose war that Finnick's hair did not dry quickly, and that when it was wet it always flopped over into his eyes.

        It was that moment that Parker noticed us. How he didn't notice our horses coming up the driveway? No clue. But he was turning Feather towards the fence, probably to mount, and he saw us. I walked over to Parker, deciding to be neutral. "Hey, Parker." I said, putting on a friendly tone.

        "Hi, Kennedy. What's he doing here?" Parker asked, tilting his head towards Finnick.

        "We were out doing some cross-country, and Nightshade dumped him in the lake afterwards. Well, actually, Nightshade dumped him on the ground, then wouldn't let Finnick catch him again and we ended up by the lake and Nightshade pretty much tripped him." I explained.

        "I'll assume that Nightshade is the horse. By the way, who names their horse after a deadly plant?"

        "He is not named after the plant. He's named after his color, because he's faded black. A shade of night." Finnick broke in testily.

        "Well then, my mistake," Parker said, and I was surprised to hear what I thought was a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

        "Anyways" I broke in as Finnick opened his mouth to respond. "We came back because Finnick needed to dry off, and towels would do the trick, but we need something else for his hair."

        "Just use a blow dryer or something," Parker suggested.

        "No way! I don't use electric stuff on my hair," Finnick said, shoving his bronze hair out of his eyes. "Towels and air only, please. I mean, it'll take around two hours to air-dry, and I would love to speed up that process, but find another way."

        Parker shrugged. "Suit yourself."

        "Also, can I just say that I love how we've been talking about my hair for this long?" Finnick noted, smirking.

        "No, you cannot." I said, wanting to get this over with.

        "Too bad, already did." Finnick responded.

        "I guess I can go get a towel. Plus can't you just gallop Nightshade around or something to dry off your hair?" Parker wondered.

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