Chapter Three

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Blackjack pictured on top.

        I felt the wind against my face as I thundered down the course, approaching the final jump. The giant ditch yawned in front of me, a huge length of 5 feet, 3 inches. "Come on, Lady!" I shouted as she galloped bravely. She rose up to jump, and suddenly crashed back down. I tried to jump off, but it all happened too fast. I screamed as I felt the bones in my right leg break, getting crushed underneath my horse. Lady scrambled up, breathing hard, a look of terror in her beautiful eyes. The last thing I saw was people bending over me, then it all faded to black.

        I woke up with a jolt from my dream. I'd had this nightmare before. When my right leg got broken too badly, and it had to be amputated up to my knee. I could still ride using a prosthetic, though. Lady was fine, but I obviously couldn't ride for a few weeks. I sighed. "Oh, Lady. Why'd you have to go?" I asked no one. I felt something cold and wet in my hand, and when I looked down I saw my Italian Greyhound, Whistle. Whistle jumped up on the bed, and curled up next to me. "I wish we were in Montana, Whistle," I murmured, drifting off to sleep while petting her soft fur.

        I open my eyes, checking my clock. I had woken up only half an hour after I fell back asleep, and I hadn't been able to fall back asleep since. 4:38. I suppose I could leave a note for my mom, telling her that I had gone to Pine Road Stables early. I just wouldn't tell her how early. I got into my riding clothes and slipped out, putting the note on the kitchen counter and walking out the door.

        When I got to the stables, it was 4:50. I went to Faith's pasture, wishing she were there. Yesterday I had spent several hours looking for her, though it soon proved useless. Then I realized: Faith had done this before, back in Montana. She always came home, though. Faith wouldn't think of Pine Road Stables as home yet, seeing as she had only been stabled there for a few days. Oh, Faith! Why? I thought. I knew my theory was right, it was some sort of instinct. Faith was heading for Lakeshore, our old place in Montana.

        Of course, I had to go after her. And to do that, I needed a horse. Preferably one faster than Faith. I'd normally just use Lady, but she was gone, and I couldn't change that. Even in a car, there was no way I could find Faith. I couldn't even be completely sure that I was right, instinct or not. I couldn't help it. I had lost everything. My leg, my dad, my horses, my entire life. I began to cry softly, and once I started, I couldn't stop. Everything was too much.

        Apparently I had fallen asleep, because I woke up on the grass. I checked my watch. 6:26. I had been asleep for almost two hours, and now my back ached from sleeping on the ground. There was still no one around, so I sat back on the fence, about to call for Faith, before I remembered that she wasn't there.

        I sat quietly like that for a while, sitting on the fence, watching the horses. "Hey, Kennedy" I heard suddenly. I jumped and nearly fell off the fence in shock, but then I saw Parker sitting on the fence next to me. "Oh-hi!" I stammered, then wanting to smack myself in the face. I sounded so stupid! Parker flashed me a charming smile. "Sorry if I surprised you"

        "Oh, it's fine!" I said, recovering. "It's just been really quiet here for a while."

        "How long have you been here?" he asked, cocking his head a little.

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