Chapter Seven

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Lexington pictured.

        At 11:30, I quickly slipped out of my bed, creeping downstairs and jogging to the stable, so that I could get a horse. I normally wouldn't borrow a horse without permission, but I had no other way to get to the forest on time, considering that someone had taken my horse. I ran quickly and silently across the grass alongside the driveway, because I didn't want to make any noise, just to be safe. As I approached, I noticed the outline of a person and two horses in the darkness. I crouched in the grass, staying still. "Kennedy?" the figure said. SERIOUSLY?!?! I thought. Parker, of course. He must've read the note.

        Since he obviously knew I was here, I got up and stalked over to him. "What do you want," I muttered.

        "I'm coming with you." he said, and I snorted.

        "No, you're not. I'm going alone." I corrected, crossing my arms.

        "You can't stop me-wait, scratch that. You probably could stop me, but I'm still coming. Anyways, I know you're here and technically about to illegally borrow a horse. Don't forget that I could tell someone about this," he reminded me.

        "Are you blackmailing me?" I asked incredulously.

        Parker shrugged. "Maybe," he gave me a small smirk.

        "Fine, do what you want. I'm assuming you grabbed Ferni for me?" I concluded.

        "Yeah, but I didn't tack him or Feather up. I didn't want to risk the noise. I did get bridles on, though."

        "Good, you at least have some sense. And I can ride bareback fine." I responded, grabbing Ferni's reins.

        "I figured you could," Parker said, leading Feather over to the fence, climbing up to mount. "Feather doesn't like people mounting from the ground," he explained when he saw the look I gave him, because he was tall enough to mount Feather from the ground.

        "Ah," was all I said in response, as I jumped onto Ferni's back. "Hurry up. You know where we're going?"

        "Yeah. The pond in the forest," Parker replied, turning Feather to trot to the back gate, so we could head straight out. "Right near the center of the forest." he nodded toward the trees.

       We rode in silence after that, slowing to a trot once we were in the woods. I noticed a glimmer of moonlight reflecting off of water right before Parker slowed to the walk. Once he stopped just outside the clearing, still out of sight in the shadows of the trees, I dismounted, tying Ferni quickly to a tree and marching into the clearing, ignoring Parker.

        I immediately noticed the boy sitting on a rock, facing away from me. I stormed straight up to him and grabbed the back of his shirt, spinning him around and punching him squarely in the face. "Ow!" he cried, falling backwards, pressing a hand against his face where I had hit him.

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