Part 26

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Chapter Thirty-Four

It had been a first doing Maths while still buzzing but when he re-read it the next morning, Lincoln found it was all right.  He felt pleased to have finished another piece of coursework, even though the teacher had practically accused him of cheating.  He had stayed behind and explained the way he had done it and even done a few equations before the teacher had been convinced that he hadn't copied someone else.  He could have been angry about being accused of cheating, but he made a conscious choice not to.  The teachers had no reason to trust him, he thought.  He was already noticing the change in some of the teacher's attitudes to him now he was doing what he was supposed to.  It felt good to not be the one called out in class and not to have to go to detention everyday for not doing any work. 

He came out of school and could hear the low beat of a bass line.  He looked left to see the black BMW parked outside of school.  As he headed over to the car, Jason got out.  They bumped shoulders.

"How did last night go?" asked Lincoln.

"Yeah man, okay.  I ended up partying with them for a few hours."

He had rings under his eyes and looked tweaked.

"Oxford girls can get nasty" he said with a grin.

"Did you have to pay extra to lose that cherry?" joked Lincoln.

"Yeah, yeah.  Cos you have always been a smooth operator haven't you?  I still remember walking in on you and Tanya – your little white butt going mad for it." 

Jason grinned.  "So you getting any from that girl yet?"

"It isn't like that with Abbie" said Lincoln.

"Your Italian charm not working its usual magic?!"

"It's not like that with her."

Jason smiled wryly.  "Ah, you proper like her."

Lincoln shrugged but didn't say anything else.

"Speaking of sex on legs..."  Jason's gaze went past his friend.  Lincoln turned to see Abbie and Kat approaching.  Abbie ran and wrapped her arms around Lincoln.  Jason stepped towards Kat.

"Hey gorgeous" he said, getting close to her, "My God, you are fine."

Kat blushed and pushed a strand of hair away from her face.  Her eyes showed that she was loving the attention. 

"Jason, it is good to see you again."

"Baby, you can see me whenever you want" he said and then whispered into her ear, running his hand down her arm as he did.

Lincoln rolled his eyes at his friends awful flirting.

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