Part 33

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Chapter Forty-One

Lincoln didn't talk to them for the rest of the journey and they seemed to sense it was best not to talk between themselves.  Lincoln felt drained.  His throat now hurt and he was just shocked about what had just gone on.  Had that really happened?  It seemed like a dream.  He felt like he could sleep for a week.

Terry pulled into the club car park and led them through the back door.  It seemed strange to Lincoln that it was still only 7pm – it felt like it should be midnight at least.

As the door opened, Jack and Billy looked up from the paperwork in front of them.

"How did it go?" said Jack, going towards them.  He frowned when he saw their messed up faces.  "Trouble?"

Terry spoke.  "Yeah, they wanted to take the money and the drugs with them."

"Yeah, but Lincoln sorted them out."

"You got the gear?" asked Billy.

"It is in the boot" said Lincoln.  Terry threw him the keys and he headed for the door.

"Let's get you guys some drinks and you can tell us the whole story" said Jack, leading them to the sofas and nodding to one of his staff.

Large measures of whiskey were given to each of them.  Jack watched as Lincoln downed his in one.

"Nicky, just leave the bottle here" he instructed, taking it off her and filling Lincoln's glass again.  Lincoln tipped the glass to him and took a smaller chug of this one. 

The whiskey warmth spread through him and he felt himself begin to relax slightly.  He hadn't realised how tightly wound all his muscles were until now.

Lincoln said nothing as Jason and Terry retold the story, exaggerating slightly as they went.  They only looked to Lincoln at one point.

"What did happen with your guy?"

"He grabbed me from behind, knocked me to the ground.  He was strangling me but there was a bit of wood nearby and thumped him over the head with it."

They then told how Lincoln came out with the gun and everyone listened intently.

"You should have seen Linc.  He was calm under pressure man, ice cool.  Even I was afraid of what he might do" said Terry with a grin.

Lincoln downed the rest of the drink and half noticed Jack looking at him from the corner of his eye. 

When they had finished retelling their stories, Lincoln remembered and pulled the cash from his pocket.  He leaned over and handed it to Jack.

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