Extras: Chapter 327 - Xue Meng's Blind Date: Wayward Young Lady 2

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>> Leng Gong takes a very cavalier attitude towards the issue of consent when discussing "her" previous sex life

Xue Meng: "!!!"

"Hearing these words, Xue Meng, who held the same sense of justice as his Shizun, felt an immediate intense sense of shock and anger. A spring of poetry surged in his mind like a flood: beginning with chaos and ending with abandonment, throwing away one's family; a red apricot tree leaning over a garden wall, saying three in the morning and four in the evening, eating in the East and sleeping in the West, on and on..."This is an absolute disgrace!" he said furiously.

Then he mulled over what Leng Gong had just said in rage, that she would "completely disappear from this world." His heart pounded, and he realized that this girl indeed had a fierce tendency towards self-harm.

"He must stop her from hurting herself! With righteous indignation, Xue Meng said: ""Please rest assured, what I can't stand the most are those who serve Qin in the morning and Chu in the evening, who change like water and bend like willows. Leave it to me, I'll support you and make him so angry he'll spit up three liters of blood, that'll make him regret what he did!" After a pause, he said seriously, still furious: "However, if you know yourself and know your enemy, you'll come out unscathed through a hundred battles. You should clarify your story to me, and let me get a measure of what happened."

Leng Gong wrinkled her brows: "Our story is too hard to explain. It'll take me a long time to make everything clear."

"... Oh. Then why don't I ask questions, and you can answer." Faced with such a pitiful woman, Xue Meng experienced a rare bit of consideration: "If there's something you can't say, we can skip it. How does that sound?"

Leng Gong thought about it and nodded, "Yes. That should work."

At this moment, their hotpot and stir-fries came one after the other.

As they ate and talked, Xue Meng said: "Why don't you talk about that cultivation partner of yours first. How long have you known each other? How did you meet?"

Leng Gong used her chopsticks to pick up a tender, crisp piece of sauteed garlic shoot, ate a few bites, put down her chopsticks, then lifted her gaze towards Xue Meng.

"The things that happened between us are honestly rather shocking, so I'll first ask you if you're afraid to hear it."

Xue Meng said: "Nothing could be more shocking than what I've experienced in my own life. You can go ahead."

He didn't think that Leng Gong would turn out to be a gossip; she suddenly leaned towards him with great interest and said, "Oh? Really? What happened to you?"

Xue Meng: "... Do you want me to help you get him mad or not?"

Leng Gong retracted her curiosity and coughed: "Okay, let's just talk about me then."

Then she opened her mouth.

Her first sentence is indeed appalling.

My lover, he used to be my Shizun.

"......" Xue Meng suddenly remembered a certain unpleasant experience. He raised his teacup and silently took a sip, trying to suppress his alarm.

The second sentence is even more appalling.

"We bowed to heaven and earth and got married a very long time ago."

The hand that Xue Meng used to hold his teacup was shaking, but he could still hold his ground.

Until the third sentence comes out——

"We had sex every day, and started even before we got married. Then after we were married we became even more excessively wanton, and freely did it day and night."

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