Extras: Chapter 329 - Xue Meng's Blind Date: Wayward Young Lady 4

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It has been said by some esteemed members of the Jianghu that the most miserable profession in the world is not a funeral director, nor a beggar, but an innkeeper.

Throughout the ages, masters of all kinds seem to have a special love for inns. They carry on clandestine love affairs in inns, fight and brawl in inns, confront their love rivals in inns... and then there are people like Taxian-jun and Sect Leader Xue, who are clearly dealing with private family issues and could go two steps to have their battles at SiSheng Peak. But they have their particular stubbornness, and refused to do so, and thus, unable to wait, they had their bird-pecks-dog dog-bites-bird fight in the inn.

The innkeeper, an old lady, was quite cross about this.

She leaned on a cane, tottering towards them, and for some reason unnecessarily announced herself like so: "I, Shi Longxia, am an old lady."

The three people couldn't understand this pronouncement, and looked at each other in dismay.

Finally, Taxian-jun waved his hand, and said pompously: "I, Mo Weiyu, am Emperor."

He pointed to Chu Wanning: "He, Chu Wanning, is a Xianzun."

He then pointed to Xue Meng: "He... forget it, he's not important."

Xue Meng: "???"

Taxianjun said: "I ask, are you afraid?"

The elderly Shi Longxian wasn't afraid of violence, and was bold enough to fight against dark, evil forces. She held her cane and scanned the mess, and threw resonant words to the floor: "None of you have any sense of morals!!!"

Xue Meng's face turned red.

Chu Wanning's face also turned an ugly color.

Taxian-jun crossed his arms, disapprovingly, not willing to accept this: "Hey, old lady, can't you be more tactful? Don't you know the heroic deeds of this venerable one? Of everything that lies under the heavens, if this venerable one had not exerted his godly might to stop the flood that would have extinguished this world, your pathetic little inn would have been dashed into splinters and fragments of brick. What's smashing a few tables and rooms compared to that?"

Chu Wanning said sternly: "Mo Weiyu!"

Taxian-jun coughed: "If, if worst comes to worst, this venerable one will compensate you for the damages, just say how much you want! One or two hundred taels of silver should be enough, correct?"

Innkeeper Shi Longxia was not motivated by money, and continued to rub her cheek and glare at them, spitting mad. She forcefully repeated her previous words: "None of you have any sense of morals!!!"

"Hey, you—"

Xue Meng pushed Taxian-jun aside and walked forward a few steps, embarrassed. He said to the innkeeper, "Elderly one, I'm truly sorry. My temper is too awful, I temporarily lost control and destroyed so many of your chairs and tables and rooms, and I also stabbed several holes in your roof. I sincerely apologize, and will compensate you for the damages appropriately. Do you think this is satisfactory?"

After this, he looked back at Chu Wanning: "Shizun, do you think this is satisfactory?"

Chu Wanning had not spoken yet. The little old lady thumped the floor with her cane again and once again said furiously: "Morals—"

"We have no sense of morals." Taxian-jun interrupted, rolled his eyes and said impatiently: " Sigh , come on, old lady, what exactly do you want? We're providing compensation and we've apologized, and you're still going 'no morals no morals'. Besides, if you wouldn't give face to a monk, wouldn't you at least give face to the Buddha? You say that this venerable one has no morals, this venerable one won't complain, you say that Xue Meng also has no morals, this venerable one won't argue. But will you go so far as to not know who he is?"

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