Chapter 1

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~~ 5 years ago ~~

"HELP MEEEEEEEE!" Norman shouted as he went farther away from Pontypandy. Sam sighed as he, Ben, and Penny went out farther to reach him. Finally they did, and Penny went into the water to get Norman out. But before Penny could come back to the boat she was whisked away.

"SAM!!" She shouted as Sam had Norman stand back. But Ben pushed him out of the way.

"It's too dangerous Sam." Ben spoke as Sam looked angerly at him.

"But Penny..." Sam spoke as Ben shook his head. The last glance he saw of Penny was short as she went farther away from view. Before he could do anything to help her. Sam sighed as he looked at Norman and went back to the dock.

"Now Norman, you need to learn to behave. Don't ride your go kart near water." Sam spoke.

"Sorry Sam..." Norman spoke as Sam sighed.

"Look I have to get back to the station and see what I can do to help Penny. I want you to go home, understood?" Sam spoke as Norman nodded and walked away. 

"Ben, I need you to stay here and see if you can locate Penny." Sam spoke as Ben nodded.

"Yes Sam." Ben spoke. Sam walked back to Venus and drove back to the station alone. He opened the door as he walked upstairs to see Elvis, Ellie, and Arnold.

"Hey Sam how did it go. Where's Penny?" Elvis asked as Sam sighed.

"I uh... well you see... I don't know where she is." Sam spoke as Elvis looked shocked.

"What do you mean, you don't know where she is Sam?" Penny asked as Sam looked sadly at them.

"We went to rescue Norman and... the waves were too strong. She was whisked away and we don't know where she is. I was going to save her but, Ben suggested I wait till the waves calmed down a bit." Sam spoke as the team all hugged each other.

"I'm sure we will find her Sam." Arnold spoke as they all looked at each other. Eventually Station Officer Steele walked in and heard all the commotion. The team soon devised a plan to find her.

~~ Meanwhile ~~

Penny woke up as she felt sand on her skin and waves crashing. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, taking in the view around her as she walked around. The sun shined brightly and the clouds were few. She scratched her head as she looked up at the trees above her.

"Hello!? Is anyone here!?" Penny shouted for a while as she walked around. Unaware of what was to happen next. She went to go shout again, but was soon thrown against a tree. Before she could say another word something picked her up and took her away. The last thing on her mind was her hopping the rest of the team was oke. Before she eventually passed out.

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