Chapter 5 (Day 3)

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"Penny? Is it really you?" Elvis spoke as Penny looked at him. She was very dirty looking, and only a bit of cloth covered her areas. She went closer to him and sniffed him, but soon darted away in fear.

"It's oke... Penny. It's just me Elvis." He spoke as she went closer to him again. She sensed the familiarity in him, but couldn't place it. Before she could try to understand him more, some monkeys came closer to her. But she shooed them away as she soon touched Elvis's face.

"Oo Oo?" Penny made the noise as Elvis looked at her in confusion.

"Uh Penny? Are you oke?" He asked as Penny looked at him. She was confused as he looked back at her. Penny looked at him without saying words, but made sounds as Elvis just pushed some hair out of her face. She looked at him, as she tried to do the same to him. But Elvis just laughed as her attempt failed. Penny made more noise as she then took his hand in hers, noticing it felt the same.

"Uh yeah Penny, our hands the same size. I thought you always knew that." Elvis spoke as he laughed but Penny didn't understand. She blinked at him, then tried to sniff him again. Before tugging on his arm.

"You want me to follow you? Sure, but Penny... I really think we should go find Sam and the others." Elvis spoke as Penny stopped in her tracks. She remembered that name as she looked at Elvis in confusion.

"Yeah you know Sam. Our best friend, alongside Arnold and Ellie, and I guess Jerry though, you've never met him. He's my cousin he's great and he is here on this island too!" Elvis exclaimed as Penny made happy noises before climbing up a tree. She grabbed two banana's before jumping down, and she handed one to Elvis.

"Thank you Penny. I really was hungry." He spoke as he noticed Penny sat on the ground, peeling the banana with her foot.

"You know Penny, your supposed to use your hand for that." He spoke as he noticed Penny looked at him funny. Before struggling to fit the banana in her hand. In that moment, Elvis knew just what was wrong.

"OH I'M SUCH A FOOL!" Elvis exclaimed loudly as Penny looked at him. She tried to imitate him as he noticed. So Elvis decided to play a little game. He sat on the ground as he had Penny do the same, and he put his hand on her chest.

"You are Penny." He spoke as he put her hand on his chest. "Mhhm and I am Elvis." He spoke as Penny was confused, but soon tried to understand what the man wanted. After getting the hang of the hand movements, like he had tried to show her, she tried to mimick his sounds. But only managed to oo and aa. Penny felt discouraged as she looked at Elvis, but tried again. Putting his hand on her chest, and speaking.

"Pe..." She said as she looked at him.

"Yes that's it! Your Penny." Elvis spoke as he smiled and so did she, but it was late, and dark outside by the time they finished.

"As much as I would love to help you more, I'm afraid it's late, and getting cold outside. Do you mind if we go lay down?" Elvis asked as Penny looked at him in confusion. But as soon as he pointed to the sky she understood what he ment, and she took him to her home.

"" Penny spoke as Elvis looked at her.

"Yes Penny, good night." Elvis smiled as they both soon fell asleep.

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