Chapter 3 (Day 1)

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Ellie woke up as she rubbed her eyes. Taking in the view around her. The sun was shining brightly and there were barely any clouds in the sky. Soon noticing where exactly she was she quickly stood up and looked for her friends and boyfriend.

"GUYS!? HELLOOOOOO!?" She shouted as a groan was heard around her.

"Mhhm mom I want, I want mhm more pancakes." Elvis mumbled as Ellie looked at him peacefully sleeping.

"Elvis, it's time to wake up." Ellie spoke as Elvis started to snore. She shook her head as she picked up a rock and threw it near him. But all he did was stop snoring. He groaned once more as his eyes still stood shut.

"Keep it down mom." Elvis spoke as Ellie soon threw a rock right at his back. He jolted awake with a scream.

"AH WHAT THE FUCK!?" Elvis shouted as Ellie giggled.

"Good morning sleepy head." Ellie spoke as Elvis looked at her.

"Oh Ellie, uh, what is that?" Elvis spoke as he held the rock in his hands.

"That's a rock, Elvis." She spoke.

"Oh uh, I didn't mean the rock." Elvis spoke as Ellie soon turned around. She let out a big scream as something came closer to her. But before she could run away laughter was heard.

"Gotcha!" Jerry spoke as Ellie slapped him.

"Not funny." Ellie spoke as Jerry looked at her.

"Hey can you people keep it down please." Arnold spoke as Sam stood next to him.

"I blame Jerry." Ellie spoke as Elvis looked at her.

"It isn't his fault." Elvis spoke.

"Oh of course you side with your cousin." Arnold spoke as everyone soon laughed.

"Well I mean why wouldn't I?" Elvis asked as everyone looked around.

"This place looks... old." Jerry spoke as Elvis laughed.

"Well at least it isn't as old as you." Elvis joked as Jerry glared at him.

"Now you guys this isn't the time for anymore jokes. We need to know where we are, and ask for help." Ellie spoke as Sam nodded.

"I suggest we split up. I call Jerry!" Elvis spoke as Arnold rolled his eyes at that last part.

"How about, we do whatever Sam says." Arnold spoke as Ellie rolled her eyes.

"Still trying to be the teachers pet I see." She spoke as Elvis laughed. Only stopping as Arnold glared at him.

"Well, Arnold isn't wrong." Jerry spoke as Sam made an ehem sound.

"I suggest we stick together. Only split up when I say so." Sam spoke as they all nodded. They soon walked together and came across a jungle like area. Arnold and Ellie held hands as Sam led the way, and Elvis joked with Jerry. Before he found himself head first with a tree.

"Ow." Elvis mumbled as everyone laughed.

"Be careful Elvis." Sam spoke.

"Sorry Sam." Elvis spoke.

"Why am I not surprised? Five minutes in and Elvis already does something stupid." Arnold joked as Elvis glared at him. Ellie started to laugh as Elvis glared at her too.

"At least you two have each other. All I have is this tree." Elvis scoffed as he looked at Ellie and Arnold. Both of them rolling there eyes as they continued walking along. After a while they reached a point to stop and rest for a moment. Sam mapping out the plan as they all looked at each other.

"We need to get off this island, but we also need supplies, food, anything we can find. Jerry and Elvis you come with me, Arnold and Ellie you stay together. Understood?" Sam spoke as they all nodded.

"Um Sam, will we get to see fluffy animals?" Elvis asked.

"Maybe Elvis, but I suggest we not startle any wildlife here." Sam spoke.

"Aw." Elvis pouted as he soon followed Sam and Jerry while Arnold and Ellie held hands and walked another way. But it was only a few minutes in and Elvis was already lost. Separated from Sam and Jerry, and he couldn't seem to find Arnold or Ellie either.

"Um Sam?" Elvis spoke as he looked around him. Continuing to walk as he heard a noise. Stopping to hear what it was. But he couldn't tell as the noise seemed to get closer. Elvis looked around nervously but before he could say anything more he was knocked out cold and snatched away.

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