Chapter 11 (Day 9)

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It was later on in the next day that they still explored more of the temple after resting the night before. With Penny showing more of her powers, and the rest of the group just being stunned.

"I still can't believe you can fly, and control water, and do many other cool things." Elvis spoke as Sam just looked at him.

"It isn't normal Elvis, and I don't know what's gonna happen when we get back to Pontypandy. If we even do." Sam spoke as Jerry put a hand on his shoulder.

"I am sure we will get back. It will just take a matter of time." Jerry spoke as Sam pressed his fingers to his nose.

"It's been nine days and yet we haven't been found, or found a way out of here." Sam spoke.

"Well to be fair Sam, it's been five years and no one found Penny." Arnold spoke.

"Yes Arnold, thank you for that." Sam grimaced as Penny laughed.

"For me it's been five years cause I was forced to stay here, any time I wanted to leave I was forced to forget why. I'm like, forced to fullfill this nonsence prophecy it's lame." Penny's thoughts spoke.

"Wait what, what prophecy?" Ellie asked as Penny laughed.

"A human being whom lands here will become king or queen forever, with no way out. But I find that dumb, I'd rather just leave and deal with the consequences later." Penny's thoughts spoke as she soon stopped them.

"Why did we stop?" Elvis asked as Penny looked at him.

"Did we stop so Elvis could tinkle again?" Jerry asked as Elvis slapped him.

"That is none of your bussiness cousin." Elvis spoke as Penny snickered.

"I stopped us cause, we are here." Penny's thoughts spoke as she looked at the group.

"Where?" Elvis asked as Penny rolled her eyes.

"Pay attention, you will see why this place is important. I am sure while here, we will soon be able to leave this island." Penny's thoughts spoke.

"Wait leave? But I thought you aren't allowed to leave?" Arnold asked.

"I am not allowed to leave, but, I will leave anyway. I don't know all of you, but I know Elvis, and I know that I don't want to leave him. Would hurt me a lot." Penny's thoughts spoke.

"But Penny, what will happen if you try to leave?" Ellie asked.

"Probably death. But I don't really care." Penny's thoughts spoke as Elvis took her hands.

"Not happening. I'll stay here forever with you if I have to." Elvis spoke as Penny shook her head.

"Don't ruin your life just to satisfy mine Elvis." Her thoughts spoke as she planted a kiss on his forehead and giggled. Causing Elvis to blush.

"But what if I want to?" Elvis asked as Jerry just looked at him.

"Listen cousin. You won't be stayin here and neither will Penny. Understood? I will NOT lose my cousin." Jerry spoke as Elvis nodded.

"We have been here a while, it's taken us two whole days to get to this point. I suggest we rest." Sam spoke as Penny looked at him.

"Fine by me." Elvis spoke as he plopped down somewhere. Only opening his eyes to receive the food Sam put out. But after everyone quickly ate, everyone soon rested. Penny went closer to Elvis and held him close. Drifting off to sleep as she worried about what tommorow might bring.

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