Chapter 13 (Day 11)

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"So now what?" Jerry asked as Sam looked at them.

"Well Penny remembers everything, and I asume she remembers how to leave now." Sam spoke as they were all outside of the temple. Penny's thoughts no longer able to be heard as the group looked at her for guidance. She did what she could with what little voice and motion she had.

"Go. Follow." Penny spoke as everyone followed her.

"For how long?" Jerry asked as Elvis slapped him.

"For however long it takes cousin. Now shut it." Elvis spoke as Jerry looked away. Sam and the others just rolled there eyes.

"To travel across this island takes at least a day." Arnold spoke as Sam nodded.

"Correct, so we will have to stop half way or so to rest." Sam spoke as Ellie scoffed.

"But we have to get home." She spoke as Elvis looked at her.

"Getting home can wait one more day, I promise Ellie." Elvis spoke as Jerry nodded.

"Cousin is right. One more day can't hurt." Jerry spoke as Elvis smirked.

"But this can." Elvis smiled as he wacked Jerry's butt with a stick.

"OW WHAT THE HELL!?" He yelped as Elvis started to snicker. Jerry looked at him and mumbled a "not cool cousin." Under his breath. While Elvis laughed once more.

"It's what you get for being rude yesterday." Elvis spoke.

"I wasn't rude yesterday cousin, you were." Jerry spoke as Elvis shook his head.

"You were the one that ran off without me even though you told me before you never would leave my site. Wasn't the first time this trip either." Elvis spoke.

"Oke fair point BUT you were the one who woke up the spirits yesterday and angered them." Jerry spoke.

"I only woke them up." Elvis spoke as Jerry laughed.

"That's what made them angry." Jerry spoke as Arnold scoffed.

"Leave it up to Elvis to be such a big dunce." Arnold spoke as Elvis looked at him in confusion.

"I don't know what that is." Elvis spoke.

"Of course you don't." Arnold spoke as Ellie put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's a term for a stupid person, Elvis." Ellie spoke as Elvis said "Oh."

"Now isn't the time for you three to act ridiculous. We are trying to get somewhere safe to rest before we leave tommorow. But by all means if you three want to stay here on this island forever and cause trouble I'd be happy to leave you behind and who knows, maybe you will become animal food." Sam spoke as Elvis's eyes went wide.

"I don't want to be animal food Sam." Elvis spoke as Jerry nodded.

"Yeah I'm with my cousin on this one." Jerry spoke as Arnold rolled his eyes.

"Leave it up to Sam to ruin all the fun." Arnold whispered to Ellie as Sam laughed.

"I heard that." Sam spoke as Elvis laughed, causing Arnold to kick him in the shin.

"Ouch!" Elvis exclaimed as Sam rolled his eyes.

"Here." Penny spoke as she stopped.

"We are here, like for the night or?" Elvis asked as Jerry looked at him.

"Do you even pay attention to the sky cousin? Why else would we be stopping?" Jerry spoke as Elvis looked at him.

"I am kinda hungry." Elvis spoke as Penny looked at him, bananas in hand. Elvis's stomach growled as everyone sat down. Smiling as she let everyone take one, before feeding herself. Then Sam started a small campfire. Soon resting as did the rest of the team. Ready to go home the next day, with Penny's help.

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