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As soon as I figured out the missing pill I ran to find Percy. Annabeth told him to go to the campfire. The side effects were running through my head. If it takes 30 minutes for the pill to get into his system that means it entered his bloodstream about ten minutes ago.

Side effects of Zarontin can be loss of appetite, blurry vision, swelling of hands, feet, and other side effects. But nothing that ran through my head would have prepared me to see Percy on the group surrounded by my siblings having a seizure, another side effect.

My siblings had the exact thought I did they put Percy in a recovery position and was talking to him. He looked to be conscious. "How long has it been?" I ask as I run up to one of my siblings who look like there timing his seizure. 

"About a minute. Looks to be a Focal Aware seizure. Which by normal codes last about two minutes." 

A flash brought me aware of Poseidon, "What is going on? I know what drug Annabeth gave him what is happening."

"It's just a Focal Aware seizure it should be over soon, then I want to do a full body check up to make sure there is no permanent damage." I say reassuring Poseidon.

Poseidon nodded, "Apollo promised to help out as well, if your willing..." Poseidon didn't finish but I knew where he was heading.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't control myself." Percy said sitting up, with protests from my siblings. I looked back to Poseidon and made eye contact and nodded. 

I walked over and helped Percy stand and told my siblings to find Nico and tell him I went with Poseidon to help Percy. I nodded to Poseidon and we were flashed away.

In a bright light we are at Apollo's temple. "Wow, is this Aphrodite's temple? I never imagined she would go for such a bright temple." Me and Poseidon laughed.

"What?" Percy asked as I knocked. 

"You'll see." I said.

The door opened up and Apollo was standing there. "oh." Percy said quietly.

Poseidon and me glanced at each other smiling. 

"Will! What a lovely surprise I thought Percy was coming alone." Apollo says inviting us in. Poseidon nodded at Apollo whispered something then flashed out. 

"It was until Annabeth gave Percy Zarontin." I deadpanned.

"But Percy doesn't get seizures to my knowledge." Apollo questioned.

"Exactly told Percy it was a cure for his amnesia. Five minutes ago Percy had his first seizure." Apollo raised an eyebrow while Percy looked heart broken. I mean to this Percy Annabeth is his lover. 

He may look on the verge of tears but he's holding up quit nicely. "I already had Poseidon send over Percy's medical files so I was about to take a look, I assume your already up to date." 

I nodded even though it was a statement and not a question. I led Percy over to the chairs while Apollo read his file. It may look long but Apollo's a god he can read fast.

"I guess you learn new things everyday. How did no one notice you had mental heath issues until after two wars?" Apollo asked.

Percy looked uncomfortable but talked anyways, "I was abused as a little kid I just got used to lying to people, I guess." Apollo nodded.

"Says in your file you haven't had ambrosia or nectar yet for your amnesia. I would have just given you the antidote or flumazenil as soon as you walked through the door but now I know you had a does of Zarontin I'm reconsidering. Any idea's Will?" 

"Wait a few days for Zarontin to get out of your system and then take the antidote?" I suggested.

"Yeah works for me! Here you go Percy, from what I can tell there is no permanent damage to your system." Apollo flashed a needle into his hands, "this is flumazenil take it in 4-5 business days. See you later!" 

Percy Jackson and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now