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I needed fresh air. When I got to the roof I sat down feeling a little light headed. I was feeling a little hungry but I was too upset to actually anything. Something flashed across my vision scaring me to stand up quickly. Big mistake cause as soon as I stood the roof and ground spun and then nothing.

I woke up to a blinding light again. I felt something connected to my air and moved it a little realizing I was hooked up to something. I quickly realized it was an IV. I just sat there numbly.

It felt like a big weight was on my chest making it hard to make even deep breaths but at the same time it felt almost like a light feather. It mostly made me feel weak. I couldn't close my eyes because every time I would get flashes of memories of my dead friends. 

My breathing quickened as I realized I felt trapped. The walls started closing in on me. Everything felt extremely tight really quick. Flashes of Natasha and Jason crossed my vision.

"When in doubt start from the top." Jason said as he came closer to me, "If you doubt what to do start from the top of your wants." 

"What if I don't know what I want anymore?" I ask 

Natasha took a step closer to me smiling, "At Some Point, We All Have to Choose, Between What the World Wants You to Be, and Who You Are."

I swipe away at tears. "How do I know who I am? What if I fail to save the people in my life that I still have. I mean look at everyone I lost. If I could so easily lose them then I can't save anyone else."

Tony stood next to Natasha, "Kid, If you can't accept limitations you're no better than the bad guys."

Steve cleared his throat from behind me, I turned around to face him. "The price of freedom is high, it always has been."

Vision floated to me, "Don't think order and chaos are opposites. They can be the same thing."

"None of you are helping!" I scream throwing my pillow at Tony. 

I expected Tony to catch it but instead he disappeared. "No! No! Please come back! Please, I can't loss more family. Please." I say tears running down my face.

I hear swords clashing, I hear screams of despair, I feel the wind on my face. I'm right back on the battle field. I run around finding something anything. I find a sharp object, a sword, I take it cutting deep into my skin. 

"Come on!" I scream! "Come ON! FEEL something! ANYTHING PLEASE!" I say cutting deeper. 

"HEY! Percy take a deep breath come on sweety." I look up to see my mom smiling at me.

"Mom?" I say dropping the sword as the battle field changes to my bedroom.

"Remember when I told you that if my life is going to mean anything, I have to live it myself? Well Percy hun, I lived it. Now it's time for you to let go. It's your turn to do it. Cause if your life is going to mean anything, you have to live it yourself. Cause like Dory always says 'when life gets you down, you know what you got to do?" 

"Just keep swimming." I say laughing as silent tears run down my checks. 

"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." My mom repeated until her voice faded and around me was a trashed medical bay. 

"Just keep swimming... Mom?" I ask looking around. I look down to find a piece of glass instead of the sword I pressed deeply into my skin. I felt so numb I didn't even feel the pain as I took out the glass. 

I quickly went around cleaning the medical bay. Sweeping up the broken glass, and fixing the IV in my arm. Once down I sat down as the room started to swim again.

Percy Jackson and the AvengersWhere stories live. Discover now