The News

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The birth of Adamazious spread far across heaven and hell. Every known being sends their praise and rejoices the coming of great being which would end sorrow and bring about happiness and wisdom on to all dimensions and worlds.
Satan can be seen in hell, talking to Beelzebub about this creation and isn't fazed one bit.
Satan (Laughing): So, this is the so-called champion that God has made for our annihilation. Worthless waste of proper clay, what does God think? Does he really feel such a big can trample our great demonic being?
Beelzebub: My lord, the spiritual energy and raw mana around that creature is so intense. For a creature with so much power in its dormant state, do you think we can handle it when it reaches maturity?
Satan: These so-called creations of God are but weak. Even with the divine protection and divine blood inside of him, he is but a mere human at the end of the day.
Beelzebub: You are indeed the most magnificent and knowledge, Sire!
Satan: All we need to care about is to know where God is going to let this creature thrive.
Beelzebub: My lord! You need not worry but such problems. I, your servant, will keep a close eye on the information about this creature.
Satan: That is all!
Beelzebub: Sire!
After four hundred forty-five years pass, God makes a huge commandment about his new creation. All the creatures, big and small, come near the palace of God and eagerly wait for his announcement.
God: My dear creation, I have decided that now is the perfect time to send this creation of mine to the mortal world. But for my creations' sake, I have put a limit on his powers. I have done this so that he doesn't harm anyone nor anything. Adamazious will hence forth be sent down on Earth.
All the angels and other beings in heaven rejoice by cheering both their creator and his creation. This news spread like wildfire everywhere and to all beings, wherever they were. When this news reached the inhabitants of hell, they all started talking about it and the word reached to Satan's Palace.
Satan: So, God has chosen Earth. As expected, he would ultimately choose a planet which would inhabit by those insects(humans).
Mammon: What is your next command, Sire! Should we kill the child upon his birth?
Satan: No, the divine protection God has casted on him would be the strongest in the child's infancy state.
Mammon: What should we do then, Sire?
Satan: Wait while he is still a child and when he reaches adolescence and then we will prepare his execution. Until that happens, we can't do anything because the divine protection is too powerful for us to destroy.
Mammon: As you wish, Sire!
On Monday, 14th of June 29010, Adamazious was borned. He was brought up by the Truesdale family in the small village of Hogsfeet. The parents weren't wealthy and worked for very less pay. On the birth of Adamazious, light showers, accompanied by a rainbow, were seen by the parents. The parents knew that this wasn't no ordinary child, but a blessing sent by God himself. David and Ayesha named Adamazious "Theodore", which meant "gift from God". They took immense care of the Theodore and didn't let him leave their sights.
As Theodore grew, people around started noticing the environment around themselves change. They thought he was a demon child at first but then after observing him, they thought that he had a good heart and demons don't generally have good hearts, so they really did believe that he was a gift from God. Unbelievable things started occurring, the environment, which was once barren, would become fertile and grew crops quicker than any other place in the world. His looks were so breath-taking that it was rumored that if you see his face, good things will happen to you. From early childhood, he was loved and respected by all around him. The village considered him a huge blessing from God and protected him from the evil which had enveloped the world.
When Theodore was six, he started to show extra-ordinary abilities. Theodore could easily speak four hundred different languages, he could lift seriously heavy object with ease, he could solve complex problems. He could talk with animals, he could sense harm even before it could take place, his reflexes were far better than any human, he could talk to the dead. But all these abilities happened on their own, Theodore wasn't aware of the abilities he possessed, because he was a child.
Theodore was a cheerful and wise human-being. He would never get into fights and would stay away from whatever he would consider wrong. This was mainly since God made him this way and since his parents taught him to be kind to everyone and stay away from causing or getting into trouble.

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