The Induction Ceremony

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After the admission exam, Theodore finds himself on the school's nursing room. He sees the nurse and has a conversation with her about what had happened?
Theodore: Excuse me madam, how did I end up like this?
Nurse: I think you fainted because you used too much of your mana in that admission test.
Theodore: Oh, is everyone with me fine, I kind of lost it in there.
Nurse: They are more then fine, some bruises here and there but are very healthy.
Theodore: Sorry for that, I tend to over express sometimes, but I can't control it.
Nurse: Oh! You came to the right place, the induction ceremony is almost about to start and while you are there, go for the "Insignia Archetype".
Theodore: Will it help me?
Nurse: It will help you keep a firm control over your mana usage but a keep in mind it's a very low scale archetype. Students mostly use archetypes like Angelic, Light-Sworn, and War.
Theodore: Oh! I really like this archetype, thank you very much madam, I will always remember this favor!
Nurse: Bless your heart, young man! Now get up and attend the induction ceremony. Ask the janitor for help, he will take you to your room and when you get there put on your dress and join the ceremony.
Theodore: Will do!
Theodore rushes outside and asks the janitor to help him get to his room. The janitor takes Theodore to his private room and there Theodore gets dressed. After getting dressed, the janitor takes him to the auditorium where the ceremony would be held.
When entering the auditorium, he is shocked to see the number of people there. Jennae finds him and rushes to him.
Jennae: Hey! Theo where were you, the ceremony started 30 minutes ago.
Theodore: Sorry! I had problems putting these clothes on, hahaha.
Jennae: You look great Theo!
Theodore: You to Jennae, you look spectacular.
Jennae: Oh you! Hey, I want you to meet someone, she is a very good friend of mine.
Theodore: Oh! Who would that be?
Jennae takes Theodore to her friend, Malissa Armstrong.
Jennae: Hey! Malissa this was the guy I told you about!
Malissa Armstrong: Wait you mean this guy defeated the mighty Sickle?
Jennae: Yeah, my father said he was crazy strong!
Malissa Armstrong: I don't believe this, let me get out my mana reader right now, I don't think this guy has the strength to beat someone as mighty as Sickle.
Theodore: Well, its not that simple, I need to be angry first.
Malissa Armstrong: You are hopeless and here I was excited to meet someone very strong. What a buzzkill you turned out to be!
Jennae: Come on you two stops fighting, it's almost time for Theodore's archetype selection!
Malissa Armstrong: Wait let me guess, you are going to choose the "Insignia" Archetype, aren't you?
Theodore: Wow, how did you know that?
Malissa Armstrong: You serious? That's so lame, Thanks Jennae for wasting my time on a twerp. At least try to look good by faking to go into a stronger archetype. You disgust me!
Jennae: Malissa! That's very rude! Apologize to Theodore right now!
Theodore: I don't think there is any need to fight both of you.
Malissa Armstrong: Oh, shut it! I am out of here!
Jennae: Forget her Theo, don't know what's got into her.
Theodore: Its no problem, most of the people here are like that, they really value power over everything.
Jennae: So, you are going to pick Insignia Archetype, right? Do you know what the archetype provides you?
Theodore: Not exactly but the lovely nurse lady told me that I can have better control over my powers with it.
Jennae: Oh! That's so cool, well the seminar is going to start anyway, you can have a firm understanding of all the archetypes.
Theodore: Oh great, will you be joining?
Jennae: No Theodore, I already have an archetype, I with the light-sworn, also known as the medical school.
Theodore: Oh, so you are a healer then?
Jennae: Yes, and a good one at that. Look at the time! I am late for class, good luck Theo!
Jennae leaves Theodore to attend her class and Theodore walks into the seminar room. Everything is nearly complete, and the program looked like it would start at any moment. Theodore sees Sir Draco Sapphire enter the room and suddenly students start to gather into the room. The room was quickly filled with students, some repeaters, and some transfer students. Theodore finds Jamie Lucus and rushes to sit beside him. Lucus happily offers him a seat and they both sit together.
Draco Sapphire: Greeting Students, welcome to your induction ceremony, hope you really enjoyed each other's company and are excited for today's shortlisting.
Theodore: This is the archetype thing, right?
Jamie Lucus: Yes, Theodore.
Draco Sapphire: Each student will be admitted into an archetype today. So, it is important that I tell you about the archetypes first. So, let's start off with the WAR Archetype, students admitted into this archetype receive training of magic, categorized into three points. As it is a physical dominant archetype, when the first point is reached, also known as the Marauder, it will allow the user to gain 25% more power to his base strength, with added benefits like: Faster reflexes, higher durability, higher stamina, and resistance to mind-control. Reach the second point, also known as the Achilles, it will allow the user to gain 50% more power to his base strength and the benefits remain the same but the sharpness of each benefit increases. Lastly, when the third point is reached, also known as the Dark Corner, it will allow the user to gain 100% more power to his base strength and the benefits remain the same, but the sharpness of each benefit increases times five. One shouldn't go this far but if the situation is dire and this is your last option, only then use it. It is believed that if Dark Corner is achieved, the effect on the user's body can range from seriously disfigured to permanent paralysis. This is basically due to all the mana overflows in the body and if one isn't trained enough, it could be the end for them.
Theodore: This sounds so cool!
Jamie Lucus: So, are you going to pick the WAR archetype?
Theodore: No, I still need to hear out the rest to decide.
Draco Sapphire: Next comes the Light-Sworn Archetype, they generally described as the doctors of the mana world. Like the WAR archetype, they also receive training of magic and along with magic they are taught how to make healing potions. There are no points for this archetype, as this archetype doesn't contain any fighting, so yes, it's only for the students who are very enthusiastic in the field of medicine.
Theodore: Oh! This is archetype Jennae is in!
Jamie Lucus: Who's Jennae?
Theodore: She is the daughter of the doctor.
Jamie Lucus: The Doctor? Who's that?
Theodore: I don't know much about him, just that he really takes care of me and is good in medicine.
Draco Sapphire: Next comes the Angelic Archetype, the most powerful of all the archetypes, only the best and strongest go into this one. So, let's talk about its perks, students admitted into this archetype receive training of magic, categorized into two points. When reaching the first point, also known as the Sevagoth, it will allow the user to gain 155% more power to his base strength. When a user reaches the second and most powerful point of the Angelic Archetype, the user receives the ability to fly, the ability to go invisible, the ability gives and restore other user's mana and above all else the user gains some resistance to dark mana attacks.
Jamie Lucus: This is what I am joining Theodore and you should too, we would easily be at the top of the classes.
Theodore: I like this one but let's here out the last one.
Jamie Lucus: It's the Insignia archetype, it's the worst one out of the lot, why would you want information on that one.
Theodore: Its good know everything before taking the first step.
Jamie Lucus: Come on man, you are so boring!
Draco Sapphire: Finally, the last one is the Insignia Archetype. Its one of the lesser chosen archetypes but is a unique and powerful archetype, nevertheless. Students admitted into this archetype receive training of magic and this archetype is categorized into four points. It is basically used by high level mana users who generally lack full control over their power. The four points are named as
• Insignia Release
• Insignia Shadow
• Insignia Judgement
• Insignia Requiem

Insignia release helps its user to a much finer form, peaceful mindset, and better critical thinking capabilities. Insignia shadow allows its user to replicate his mana into a shadow clone, which he can use to teleport and cover vast distances. Insignia judgement, is a little dangerous but it relaxes the body and encourages more mana outflow, increasing the deadliness of the mana attack and increases the radius of the attack. Finally, we come to Insignia Requiem, it can only be used, and I mean only, when the situation is dire enough that it makes the user feel that if mana isn't enough, he can use his life force and increasing the deadliness of the attack but in return it takes away the time you have left to live. Don't worry you will hardly ever use it and in this Modrose, its application is forbidden. Finally, every student shall now be given a form and he can freely select any archetype of their choice.
Theodore: I think I made up my mind, I am going to choose the Insignia Archetype!
Jamie Lucus: Do what you want! Remember this, the archetype you are choosing is the worst.
Theodore goes to the form table and selects the Insignia Archetype. Sir Draco Sapphire see him and goes up to him and tells him that it is the right choice for him and that he needs to work very hard to control his overwhelming power. After two hours, Sir Draco Sapphire tells the students that the induction ceremony has concluded, and they can go to their assigned rooms. But Sir Draco Sapphire tells Theodore to stay back for a while because he needs to talk about very important things regarding his future in the Modrose, School Of Witchcraft. After the auditorium is empty, Sir Draco Sapphire confronts Theodore.
Draco Sapphire: Theodore, what are you hoping to achieve in this school?
Theodore: I want to understand and learn how to control my powers, that's it sir.
Draco Sapphire: A wise decision, do you know what you are?
Theodore: What I am? I am just an ordinary boy, sir.
Draco Sapphire: No! child you are a God Seed! The highest rank, a mana user can acquire in this school.
Theodore: Really? Am I that good?
Draco Sapphire: Good is a subjective term here, I haven't seen anyone more powerful than you, at your current age.
Theodore: Is that bad?
Draco Sapphire: Only time will tell child! Just so we are clear, if you go rogue, remember this you will be shown no remorse.
Theodore: Understood sir!
Theodore then turns his back on Sir Draco Sapphire and leaves the auditorium. Sir Jackson Felix, the headmaster appears in the room and confronts Sir Draco Sapphire.
Jackson Felix: So, do you think this boy is trouble?
Draco Sapphire: When did you come here?
Jackson Felix: I was here since the start; the boy is a kindhearted young man, but his abilities are terrifying to say the least.
Draco Sapphire: Yes, sir but we can never let our guard down.
Jackson Felix: Keep a close eye on him Draco, if he ever turns rouge, tell me as quickly as possible.
Draco Sapphire: Don't worry sir, I will report to you whenever he does so.
Sir Jackson Felix vanishes, and Sir Draco Sapphire starts to think about the uncertain future and prays to God for a good future for the world and for the future of the establishment.

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