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It was Theodore's birthday and to celebrate, he and his parents were going to the nearby market, this is the day when they came across the Wuhu gang. This gang was notorious for raping woman and murdering innocent people. Sickle, the gang's leader, touched Ayesha on her shoulder and pulled her back. Noticing this David rushed to protect his wife, but sickle got out a knife and made a huge puncture wound on David's arm. David was bleeding severely, and Theodore was crying because he didn't know what to do.
Ayesha: Stop David, just protect our child! He can't see this, leave me be and take him far away from here. Please!
David (On the ground, bleeding): I can't, if I leave you here, they will rape and murder you.
Ayesha: If this is the way my future is written, then let it happen. Protect my child at all costs. GO NOW!
Sickle: Awwwww, isn't that precious, the whore is worried about her family. David, I know you, always acting like you are so blessed by God. Let see what your God can do!
Sickle breaks Ayesha's neck Infront of David and Theodore. David goes silent and slowly reaches for his wife. He sees her twitching and cries; Theodore comes running to David and asks him why his mother is lying on the ground and not saying anything.
David (In full denial and with a low-pitched voice): Be...Because...Because she's DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theodore (Constantly shaking David's shoulder): Dead? Will we see her again? Will she make food for us? Will she ever talk to us? Why aren't you answering me?
David (In disbelief): Her being dead makes you never see her again.
Theodore (Shaking): Wha..... Thi....... This can...... can't be happening.
Theodore starts to shake violently, the ground begins to shake, dark cloud covers the sky and furious winds begin to blow in the area. Theodore's hair starts to change color and his appearance starts to change as well. David sees this and starts to run towards Theodore.
David (Worried): Theodore what's happening to you?
Theodore (Angered): Sick......Sickl......SICKLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sickle: Bahahaha, so the whore's kid is a mana user? Huh, ok you sniveling son of a bitch, let's have ourselves a duel.
Sickle begins to power up, the ground starts to shake again and the gang members all retreat.
Theodore (Angered): Dad, leave this filth to me, take mom, and get her body away from this place.
David (Worried): I can't lose you too, your mother and I loved you to bits. I can't lose the both of you at the same time. Please stop this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theodore: Father, I am serious, he is going to kill you regardless of the outcome of this duel, I don't want him to kill you. Please do what I say and leave with mom's body.
David understands and picks up Ayesha's body and tries to flee.
Sickle: Huh, where do you think you're going shithead. I am not finished with you yet. Buurzghaash!!!!!
Theodore (Quickly comes in front of David): Yati!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sickle (Amazed): What? How is this possible? That was point-blank range. A seven-year-old child shouldn't be able to do such a thing. Shit!!! I need to get the hell out of here.
Theodore (Angered): What sort of a man are you, hurting innocents. Begone filth. Mkali wa Inferno!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sickle is instantly obliterated, and the blast leaves a huge crator in the ground. David is shocked and falls to his knees.
David (In disbelief): Oh no!!!! Theodore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Theodore instant appears behind David and asks him, where his mother is?
David (While still on his knees): She has left us Theo; she has left us for good.
Theodore sees the dead body of Ayesha and falls to his knees.
Theodore (Crying): Sorry mama, I couldn't protect you, I didn't know what to do. Please forgive me mama and come back to us, we really need you.
David (Crying): It's not your fault, my dear boy. Things happen and its all-what God wills.
Theodore: She always used to say that God loved everyone. Can't we ask God to return her back to us?
David (Looking at Theodore with helpless eyes): It doesn't work like that, my dear boy. God, indeed, loves everyone, and your mother is in heaven with God. God will keep her happy until the end of times.
Theodore: Can't we go to that place too?
David: We all must go there someday but we need to do good to get there.
Theodore: Sickle killed mama, what would happen to him?
David (Angered): He would go to hell and reside there for all of eternity. It's the fate of all evil doers like him.
Theodore: But papa, I killed him, will I also go to hell?
David: It is for God to decide, as he judges you on your intentions and you only did that to protect everyone. Now let's go and bury your mother in the village's old cemetery.
Both David and Theodore come back to the village and most of the people get scared of them. The gang members had told lies about Theodore being a demon child and that he would destroy everyone once he reached adolescence. They didn't get properly welcomed and most of the village folk kept distance from them due to the fear they had.
David and Theodore buried Ayesha and David said that it was time for him and Theodore to go back home. On the way, Theodore stopped and asked David that he had left something behind and will join him in some time. Theodore went to the graveyard and saw Ayesha's spirit sitting on her own gravestone. Theodore was surprised to see her.
Theodore: WAIT!!!!!!!! MAMA!!!!!!!!, you are still alive?
Ayesha's Spirit: My child, I am but a spirit now.
Theodore: A spirit?
Ayesha's Spirit: It's what we all become when we pass away from this world. Anyway, I wanted to tell you something.
Theodore: What is it mama's spirit?
Ayesha's Spirit: My dear son, don't put the blame of my death on your hands. As you are a child and children are pure beings. Please take care of your father and never do something which would make him sad.
Theodore: I will but mama..........
Before Theodore could say anything more, Ayesha's spirit started vanishing like sand blown with the wind. Theodore started crying but he vowed to himself to never earn his father's displeasure and to protect the things he held dear. He then hurried back home to his father. When he reached home, he found his father on the mattress, treating his wound. Theodore rushed to his father and hugged him. David's arm was very badly injured, and he was losing blood quickly. Theodore saw this and ran out of his house to get help. People, who loved him kept distance and avoided him because they thought with all those abilities he had, he must be a demon child. Theodore went from person to person and house from house, but no one was willing to help him. The thought of his father in pain made him beg people again and again. A shopkeeper instructed him to go look in the market and find a doctor there. Theodore rushed to the market and started looking for the doctor, he found the hut where the doctor was stationed but couldn't find the doctor in there. He asked people around and no one helped him. A few hours later, the doctor came back and entered his hut. Theodore rushed in his hut and told him what happened and asked for his help.
Theodore: Please doctor, help my father, he is badly injured.
Doctor: You are that demon child, right?
Theodore: No sir, my father is hurt badly, please help him. I'll do whatever you want, please help him!
Doctor: Ok child, lead me to your house.
Both the doctor and Theodore rush to check on David. They both reach the house and enter a dark room with David lying flat on the floor. The doctor hurriedly checks on him and asks Theodore to stay outside for a while. Sometime passes by and Theodore starts to peek inside. The doctor is seen down on his knees with his eyes covered. David had passed away with all the blood loss but leaves a note on the floor. Theodore enters the room and talks to the doctor.
Theodore: Sir, what's wrong with papa, is he going to be fine?
Doctor: My boy, your father has left you a note, please read it for yourself.
Theodore takes the note and begins to read, while reading he starts to cry. The note read:
"My dear Theo while you are reading this know that I have passed away. Don't be ashamed of what you did, it was meant to happen. From the moment you were born, your mother and I knew you were special, not because you bought us good fortune but because your mother and I were described as infertile. Having a child was the best thing that ever happened to us, it makes me sad that we didn't spend a long time with each other, but the days we spent with you were the best happiest ones in our lives. I know God will reunite us in the hereafter, so I wish you all the best for the times ahead.
Good-Bye My Dear Theo......"
The doctor immediately hugs Theodore and tells him to calm down. It suddenly starts to rain heavily, even though there were no clouds in the sky. The doctor sees this and holds Theodore close to him. He tells him that he will be by his side forever and asks him to live with him from now on. The doctor knows that Theodore is a very special child and due to that note, he considers himself as his father and guardian. He took Theodore to his house and told him that it was his house now and he could do whatever he wanted in there. Theodore was in such denial that he didn't utter a word and only replied by shaking his head up and down. The doctor then left him in his house and went to David's house, he picked up David's corpse and took it outside. He dug a grave and then gently lowered him down into the grave. After shoveling the soil over the David's grave, he sat down on his knees and he made a promise.
Doctor: I hope you can hear me David. I wished you had lived longer but it's God's plan, right? Regarding your son, you don't need to worry about him, I promise on my life that nothing bad will ever happen to him, I will do my best to keep him happy and healthy, rest in peace.

The Pinnacle : The Maker's PlanTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang