A New Beginning

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It had been 10 years since the incident, but the doctor kept Theodore very close to him. The doctor cherished Theodore, he kept a very close eye on Theodore's health, and he loved him like he loved his own children. The doctor was a widower and had only one child, a girl named Jennae, age 17. Jennae was a calm and composed human being and she loved Theodore. Jennae used to leave halve of her meals and gave them to Theodore, but Theodore ate very little of it and usually wouldn't come to the dinner table. One day, Jennae asked her father about Theodore's back story. After hearing Theodore's past, the poor girl fell to her knees and let out a loud cry.
Jennae: How can someone live after experiencing such fatalities?
Doctor: I don't know how to answer that right now. But hear this child, don't ever make him feel sad nor let him down. He has already suffered enough.
Jennae: I will papa, him and I are going to best of friends, and I will do whatever it takes to protect him.
Doctor: That's my baby girl. Now go to bed, you have school tomorrow.
Jennae: Ahh, I almost forgot about that. Wait daddy, why don't you enroll Theo to my Modrose, School Of Witchcraft too? There he can make many friends and that could help him reconnect to the world.
Doctor That sounds like a great idea!!! Ill enroll him immediately.
The doctor calls the Principal and asks him about the enrollment of Theodore Truesdale. The best thing about Modrose, School Of Witchcraft, was that it was a boarding school for magic users, which is situated outside the village and this would be very good for him, as people wouldn't be shocked by his powers and will gladly accept him as one of their own. The Principal tells the doctor that he can bring him to the Modrose, School Of Witchcraft tomorrow, and he can start his studies from then on. The doctor goes to Theodore's room and tells him about his enrolment in Modrose, School Of Witchcraft, a school which would accept him for who he is and to help him understand and perfect his magic, so no one gets hurt. Theodore gently smiles and accepts the offer by just nodding his head up and down. The doctor then exists his house and goes to the local
The next day, the doctor asks his daughter to wake Theodore up and get him ready for school. Jennae runs towards Theodores room and asks him to wake up and get ready for school. Theodore gets up and dresses up. An hour passes by and the bus arrives, Jennae excitedly runs down the stairs and hugs her father and then gets aboard the bus. Theodore sees the affection the father and daughter have for each other and starts to cry a little. The doctor sees this and immediately hugs him and says everything is going to be fine. He tells him that he isn't alone in the world and he is right here whenever he needs anything. Theodore listens to his talks and hugs him tightly and then gives off a smile and gets aboard the bus.
The Modrose, School Of Witchcraft is one of the best in the whole world and is well known to produce highly skilled mana users. Gandalf, Alexander III, Storm Bringer, Hellspawn and Colt Sapphire are a few examples of great mana users this institute has produced. The courses were taught by some of the best spellcasters and renowned magic users in the world. It offered the best learning and practical environment for young and skilled mana users. The admission process is very simple, a person was test for spell usage, spell memory, spell execution and a power scale were made to test the person's capabilities and only the candidates with the best skills and execution were selected.
Jennae was already a student there, so she was exempted to take the admission test, but Theodore wasn't. So, while in the bus, the bus conductor dropped off Jennae at the Modrose, School Of Witchcraft entry gate and drove off. The bus conductor along with Theodore and a few other candidates stopped at the admission test center, opposite to the school execution yard. Theodore and the kids got off the bus and walked in, they were greeted by the Head Counselor.
Head Counselor: Good Morning!!! My name is Sir Draco Sapphire, I am the son of the mighty Colt Sapphire. Candidates hope you all are doing fine, so today my students, you will be tested whether you really belong here or not.
Jamie Lucus: Hurry it up wise guy! I must be somewhere.
Draco Sapphire: My my, what an energetic young fellow!! Right then proceed to the testing center everyone and give it your all!!!!
Theodore, Lucus and the rest of the kids, enter the testing center and are surprised to see that its blank. The place was empty, it looked like it was void of everything, a room with no doors, no windows and there was nothing to be seen. Sir Draco entered the room along with some guards and Sir Draco casts a spell and makes testing dolls appear.
Draco Sapphire: Your first test is to use the spell GAASH DUUMP. Lucus, why don't you do the honors.
Jamie Lucus: Call me by my first name old man and take a good look you weaklings. GAASH DUMMP!!!
The whole doll burns and becomes nothing but dust in a matter of moments. The kids get scared and all run away except Theodore, who isn't fazed but keeps his head down.
Draco Sapphire: So, you aren't all talk, great work. I see most of your comrades have forfeited, that's common during the admission tests. You!!! Theodore was it?
Theodore: Yes sir, my name is Theodore.
Draco Sapphire: Come on boy we don't have all day!
Jamie Lucus: What's with these cowards, hurry up and attempt the task you are given, worthless weakling.
Theodore: ............
Theodore walks a up to the testing platform and gets ready, he holds his hand out and takes a deep breath. A crimson aura starts to gush out of him, and Sir Draco see this and stops him.
Draco Sapphire: Oh, I don't think you have come to right place my dear. Get out of the Modrose and never show your face here ever again.
Theodore: But why sir, I never got to cast the spell.
Draco Sapphire: Didn't you hear me boy? Get the fuck out of my sight before I kill you myself!!
Theodore: I have been through a lot of sir, why are you doing this. The doctor told me that it was my first day at Modrose and that got me somewhat excited. You see I am an orphan, and the doctor is the nearest to a father figure I have. It would be a shame for me if I don't get enrolled.
Draco Sapphire: Boy you are really getting on my nerves now, get the fuck out of here before I turn you into dust.
Jamie Lucus: Theodore, get the fuck out right this instant, the old man's mana is increasing at a very alarming rate.
Theodore: I am not going anywhere; I will not put to shame anyone I hold dear anymore. Sir Draco, do you want to fight, bring it on!!
Draco Sapphire: You little shit, are you mocking me!!!!! I will end you!!!!!!!!!
Sir Draco charges and casts GAASH DUMMP on Theodore. The whole room erupts, and smokes covers the whole room.
Sir Draco: Huh, guess he was all talk and no bark. Lucus, get your ass ready for the next test.
Jamie Lucus: What have you done, are you crazy or something?
Sir Draco: Do you want to end up like him?
Jamie Lucus: No sir!!!
Draco Sapphire: Good, now get the fuck out of my sight.
Theodore: Wow and here I thought Lucus was weak. That was nothing sir, I didn't feel a thing.
Draco Sapphire: How the FUCK DID YOU SURVIVE THAT, it was a point-blank attack, it should have killed you.
Theodore: Really? Is it my turn now?
Draco Sapphire: Huh, try your best shot, squirt!!!
Theodore starts to release his crimson aura again; the room starts to crumble. The winds start to blow wildly, the floor beneath them starts to shake and the whole room becomes crimson red.
Draco Sapphire: What is this pressure? What are you boy?
Theodore: I'm your reckoning!!! GAASH DUMMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sir Draco narrowly escapes the explosion and attempts to run away while he has a chance. Theodore catches him.
Theodore: You said, "bring it on Squirt", are you scared of me? Does my power scare you? Do you think you can survive?
Draco Sapphire: You won't get away with this, BOY!
Jamie Lucus: Stop it now!!!!!!!! You monster!
Theodore: You think its all about you isn't it?
Theodore throws Sir Draco across the room and walks towards Jamie Lucus.
Jamie Lucus: No! please forgive me!!! I never meant it!!!
Theodore: Well.... I think that's enough of a performance for now!
Theodore faints and falls to the ground. Sir Draco and Jamie, start talking to one another about what just happened.
Jamie Lucus: What was that sir, is he what I think he is?
Draco Sapphire: I can't say anything for now boy but this young one is something else. You both pass the admission trail.
and congratulations.
Jamie Lucus: But sir what about the other tests? And why are you enrolling him? Isn't he too dangerous?
Draco Sapphire: I don't think you two need to be tested further, you guys are very powerful. The way I see it you aren't going to utter one word about this, but rest assured it looks like he has some control over his powers but if he goes energy ballistic, the headmaster will see him.
Sir Draco Sapphire picks up Theodore and asks Jamie to go into his dorm room and get ready for the induction ceremony. Sir Draco carries Theodore to the school's doctor and tells the doctor to take care of him and be careful at the sometime.

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