The Plan

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Eager to attack, Satan called forth a conference in hell to settle the fate of Adamazious once and for all. All the powerful generals and the seven princes of hell were called upon by Satan. On receiving the call to the palace, all the generals and the seven princes rushed to the palace to settle this matter once and for all.
Satan: It has been far too long, and I say it is the perfect time to strike. The Korodians have been destroyed and now we have a clear path to Adamazious.
Zonia: Sire! Please appoint me to kill this pitiful waste of life!
Satan: Hush! even you know you can't rival what he is right now!
Zonia: My apologizes, Sire!
Mammon: Sire! Send Beelzebub and I to fight this creature. We will return with its head!
Beelzebub: Yes, Sire! He wouldn't be able to take on two of us at once!
Satan: So be it! Bring his lifeless body to me and I shall grant you whatever you so desire!
Mammon: Consider it done, Sire!
Satan: Take this filth with you too, you need all the help you can get!
Zonia: Sire! I thank you! You will not be disappointed.
The inhabitants of hell all rejoice and cheer for Mammon, Beelzebub and Zonia. All the inhabitants gather around them and start to feed them their demonic essence, this makes them even more powerful, as the demons feed on any negative emotion or aura around them. With their strength and speed amplified, they prepare for their upcoming battle with Adamazious.

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