I know I love you (requested)

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Author's Note: I'm not sure if this chapter needs a trigger warning or not but I'm putting it here just in case.

This chapter talks about mental health, mostly depression, and I know that can be a sensitive topic at times. So if you don't want to read that, please wait for my next update instead.

Also, just making this clear, I'm not trying to romanticize mental health struggles or anything of that sort. That is never my intention to do, as I've made clear in the past. I hope that's something that everyone knows.

If you ever need to talk, my messages are always open. I love you all.


Winter stood in the doorway of your shared bedroom, silently watching you sit on the bed with your head in your hands.

She breathed out a sad sigh before walking over to you with a plate of food in her hands.

"Baby? I made this for you." She said as she set it down in front of you.

"I'm not hungry."

"You need to eat, Y/N." She said and watched you lay down with your back facing her.

"I can't."

She grabbed the plate and set it on the nightstand before crawling under the covers beside you.

She gently placed her hand on your side before laying her cheek on your shoulder as she wrapped you in her arms.

She didn't want to overwhelm you by being too close to you but she felt a sinking feeling in her heart as yet another day is about to end and you continue to slip away from her.

Your depression is the worst it's been in a long time.

You can't even function like a normal person these days.

You just lay in bed and sleep or stare at the wall as thoughts run through your brain, making it race and making you feel worse by the second.

You don't know what's caused the recent downfall.

You don't even know if there's a reason behind it.

But, regardless, you've lost hope, and making it through day-to-day has become a challenge.

Winter hates seeing you this way.

She so badly wants to hold you and never let you go, but she knows that she can't do that as it makes you feel overwhelmed at times and she has no choice but to do the things she's obligated to do.

But today, she took the day off to care for you.

She's been trying to get you to do simple things such as shower or eat but those things seem impossible to do when you have no energy and motivation.

All you want is to lay in bed and sleep the day away.

"I love you so much. You know that, right?"

"Yeah." You whispered quietly.

"And you know you can talk to me about whatever you're feeling. I won't judge you if you need to talk to someone."

"I know, Winter." You said. "I'm sorry. It's just hard to find the words to tell you how I feel right now."

"That's okay. You don't have to. Just know that I'm here to listen if that changes."

You breathed out a heavy sigh and closed your eyes again.

"I'm so tired... of everything. I just feel so hopeless and so alone."

"I know, baby." She said as she brushed her fingers comfortingly across your side.

"I just don't know what to do anymore."

You turned over and buried your face in her neck and she had to blink away the tears that welled up in her eyes as she listened to you talk about your struggles.

"I know that it doesn't feel like it, but things will get better. I just need you to hang in there for me. Okay?"

You nodded weakly as she put her arms around you and held you tight.

"I promise that you're not alone. You're never alone. I will always be here for you, Y/N, always. Nothing's ever going to change that. I know you're tired and I know you feel alone but just know that you aren't and it's okay to feel this way."

"I don't know much these days. I'm unsure of a lot of things." You said with a sigh. "But I know one thing. I know I love you. You're the only thing I need."

She kissed the crown of your head softly and brushed her hand across your back soothingly.

"I love you too. More than you'll ever know." She spoke softly as she stared down at you adoringly.

This is the most you've talked to her in days and you're opening up to her little by little, which is helping her feel a little better.

She knows that the road ahead is long and it'll take more than just her to help you feel like yourself again but for now, she's happy to just lay here and hold you while you talk to her.

"I can't put it into words. Having you here means everything to me. You're the only thing I feel like I have right now, the only thing that makes me feel safe."

"I'm here for you, my love." She said. "No matter what. I promise."

"Just promise me that you won't let me go." You sighed against her skin. "I just need you right now."

"I won't let go. I promise." She said as she brushed her nails against your skin, happily holding you for as long as you wanted and needed her to.

She wasn't going anywhere; not ever.

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