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Inside an old castle as a monster tears the doors open and chases the Mystery Inc gang. Fred, Daphne, Aiden, and Velma run to the left. Shaggy and Scooby screams and they run different directions

Shaggy: YIKES!!!

He goes to a room, lock the door behind him and goes to the other door to get away the monster was in front of the door and Shaggy tries to get out the door he locked but he pulls out the doorknob and he runs off.

Shaggy: Scooby-Doo! Where are you!

Scooby gets chased and lands on the empty knight's armor, and the rest fall like dominoes and one land on the moat monster. Shaggy and Fred help Velma and Daphne up, and Velma unmasks the monster

Shaggy: Like, it's Mr. Beeman, the real estate agent.

Scooby: Mr. Reeman?

Velma: Yeah, he was printing millions of counterfeit dollars in the basement with his printing press. What we originally thought was mold was really green ink. See?

Mr. Beeman: I would've gotten away with it, to if it wasn't for that big dog and you meddling kids!

Scooby gets the mask and looks at it and then scares himself.

Chris: Stories like that always give me the heebie-jeebies. No wonder you became a reporter. That Moat Monster almost sliced you up like a pepperoni pizza. And then we wouldn't have Coast to Coast with Daphne Blake, your very successful syndicated series on Americana, going on its second season, I might add. I never miss it.

Daphne: Thanks, Chris. You know, the real reason I changed jobs was because the monsters and ghosts always turned out to be bad guys in a mask.

Chris: Got a little boring, eh?

Daphne: No kidding. In fact, that's why the gang went their separate ways, except for Fred and me.

Chris: She means Fred Jones, who's now the producer and one-man crew of Daphne's show. How about getting a shot of Freddy, guys?

They got a shot of Fred

Chris: Is he cute or what? So what's coming up for the new season?

Daphne: A new series of segments called Haunted America.

Chris: Sort of a Ghost to Ghost with Daphne Blake?

Daphne: Right, but this time I intend to find some real haunted houses... ...for my viewers.

Chris: It's too bad the rest of the old gang won't be along for the ride.

Daphne: Yeah, I really miss them

In side of an apartment in DC, Aiden was sitting on the couch watching TV.

Aiden: Miss you too, Daph.

He gets up from the couch, grunting in pain. He goes into the bathroom and looks at the mirror, and looks at the small stitched up cut on his right eyebrow. He lifts up his shirt and looks at the large bruise on his right side.

Aiden: It was a risky idea, but the mission was accomplished because of it.

He gets out of the bathroom as his phone goes off, playing Bad Company, by Five Finger Death Punch. He goes and answers it.

Aiden: O'Connor... Fred! long time no talk, how have you been?...of course I can man, I'll be there.

He hangs up and goes into the room, opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out a pistol and two spare mags and pocket knife

He hangs up and goes into the room, opens his nightstand drawer and pulls out a pistol and two spare mags and pocket knife

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